Chapter 12 : From Sorted To Chaotic

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The route to home felt longer than usual. Or maybe, she was driving the car at a slow speed. Not wanting to face her family, specially her father. She knew she eventually had to but was procrastinating for as long as possible. What would she say to them anyway ? How will she explain the unimaginably expensive ring on her finger that neither Vivek could afford to give nor she could buy on her own. And above all, how the hell she was supposed to tell her father that she was not going to marry his best friend's son ?!

A headache had already started to tease her head. She switched off the engine as she parked the car in the garage and got down. There was no escaping it.

She walked into the house to find Anita sobbing on the sofa while Sonia patted her back, consoling her. Yashwant was busy talking on phone, pacing behind the sofa on which Ashish was seated, holding his head. Natasha and Anjana were seated on another sofa, their expressions screaming worry as well. Kavin was out of city for a business matter so he was, naturally, not present there.

Samaira's heart sank. She immediately realized that they had gotten to know about Vivek. But the question was, how much ? Were they aware Vivek was kidnapped by Rajveer ? And most importantly, did they know she was the reason ?

“Mairoooo!” - Anita wailed as she stopped her.

Samaira walked further in and sat beside Anita. “See what has happened! Vivek has been kidnapped! They have demanded 25 lacs!” - Anita told her, sobbing.

Samaira's eyes widened. That's why Rajveer said he won't get dragged into the matter. Because he had tasked some professional kidnappers to do the job, making it a common case of kidnapping for extortion.

“...but it's been an hour! How is the police not able to trace the caller down ?!” - Yashwant was shouting on phone.

It was of no use. Even if the police found out where Vivek was — which they won't because they weren't trying to in the first place — she knew those goons would NEVER take Rajveer's name. She had become aware of his power at least that much by now.

She stood up from the couch and going to a corner, called Rajveer. It was received within seconds.

“Ah, missing me already ?” - came his voice, filled with mirth.

She shut her eyes close. Willing herself to not lose patience because in the current situation, it will be absolutely foolish.

“I will do whatever you say but please let him go.” - she pleaded in a hushed tone.

Whatever I'll say ?” - he asked and she could practically feel him smirking wickedly at the moment. “I like the sound of it.” - his voice drastically dropped to a husky whisper.

Her face flushed. And considering the situation, the goosebumps on her body shocked her on another level. Means even amid all the... the INSANITY that was happening around her, to her, her mind and body were noticing and reacting to his voice modulations ?!

“For your kind information, soon after you left, I had ordered the kidnappers to release him. He'll be in the city hospital soon.” - he said, making her breath a sigh of relief. “But remember Samaira, STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM.” - he warned in a low rumble, making her heart thud loudly in the ribcage.

“Mairu...” - Sonia called and she abruptly ended the call before making her way back. “Vivek has been traced. The police is taking him to the city hospital. Go and get changed so we can leave!” - Sonia instructed.

Samaira froze on her spot. Vivek was actually being taken to the city hospital ?! Gosh, the entire police department of Mumbai was working on his orders!

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