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1 week later

     "Baby, can you vacuum the couch?"

     "Yeah, give me a second I gotta finish the bathroom."

     The two were cleaning Darcy's apartment, preparing for the arrival of her mother. They were just cleaning, they were cleaning.

     Darcy wasn't a messy person, so all they had to do was clean the crevices of every little thing.

     Darcy was in the guest suite of her apartment, preparing it for her and Courtney's mothers stay. Marianne would stay with Courtney, but since Marianne couldn't stay away from a dog even if her life depended on it, she didn't want to cause harm to Kai.

     She was very excited to see their mothers, Darcy's mother, and Courtney's mother, were Darcy's best friends. Darcy told them everything.

     Darcy couldn't wait for them, well, Marianne, to meet Din, she knew how respectful he was, so she had nothing to worry about. She already knew that her mother and Din got along, her mother sees him as a future son-in-law.

"Shoo, go away. I'm cleaning." She pushed Rowan away from her, when he kept bringing her his toy.

When he didn't go away, she gave in and started to throw his ball down the hallway.

"Cici does your mom like vanilla or lavender better?" Din shouted from the bathroom, where he was staring at two bottles of soap, trying to decide which scent she'd prefer.

"Din do not put anything lavender out. She's allergic!" Darcy shouted from the bedroom she was preparing.

In the bathroom, Din immediately put the lavender soap underneath the sink, and set the vanilla one out. He straighten the hand towels, before leaving the bathroom and into the bedroom, seeing Darcy playing with Rowan.

"Where's Kasia?" Kasia was her mothers dog, that's what her mother decided to call the puppy.

"Oh, check the living room. She's probably asleep on the couch." She shrugged, as she threw the toy.

     Getting up from her sitting position, she shoo'ed Rowan out of the room, and into the hallway, her following after him.

     It was 2:38 p.m, and they've been cleaning since 11:40 a.m. Darcy was making sure that they got into every crevice that she could get into.

     Walking into the living room, "Baby I'll take the dogs down to potty while you vacuum the couch, just so they don't attack it."

     Yes, both of the dogs attacked the vacuum whenever someone used it. Darcy and Din first noticed their hatred for vacuum cleaners, when one night, Darcy left the vacuum cleaner out and went to bed. They woke up to both of the dogs barking crazily, they both thought someone had broken into her house. Just to walk into the living room and see that the intruder, was the vacuum.

     Leashing both of the dogs up, she took them into the hallway and started to walk to the elevator, but not without stopping to talk to Miss Jones.

     "Oh my babies! Hi Darcy, how are you?" Miss Jones leaned down from her chair, petting Kaisa and Rowan. When Darcy and Din had brought them to her apartment for the first time, Miss Jone instantly fell in love with them.

      Darcy knew that Miss Jones didnt have a dog, so she didn't know where she got all of the dog treats from. She didn't plan on questioning it either.

     "I'm fantastic ma'am. How are you?" She smiled down at the older woman.

     "I'm doing the best I could be. How's Din?" She asked.

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