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     "FUCK YOU"

     "Fuck you, you looser ass bitch."

"At least I don't suck dick"

"Oh okay. That's how it is?" She shrugged. "Lets see how much you get tonight then." She turned her body away from him.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, no baby, I was joking" he tried to make up for it, failing when she didn't turn her body back to him.

"Man fuck this stupid ass game. Mmch. Ruining relationships." He rolled his eyes as he threw his arms up in the air.

It was Friday night, as everyone sat in the AMP living room, playing uno. Courtney had just given Kai a plus 4 right when he got uno, and then he reversed it back to her, which made her put another plus 4 down, giving it to him.

Nobody had gotten out yet, after playing the same round for 30 minutes. On one couch, it was Kai, Courtney then Din. Darcy was sitting on the floor in-front of the couch, between Din's legs. On another couch, it was Davis, Chris and Duke. While Fanum, sat in one of the chairs.

Darcy had 7 cards left, while Din only had 2. After Kai went, it was Darcy's turn. She placed down a green 4, knowing that Din had a green in his last two. As he placed down his green 4, he called uno.

Before it got back to Darcy, she looked up at Din and asked him what colour card he had left after looking at her wild card.

"What colour card do you have?" Shes whispered as she looked up at him.


"They're literally cheating! I'm watching them cheat right now. How is that fair?" Duke shouted.

"We're not cheating."

"Cici I just watched you talk to him."

"So? That doesn't mean that we're cheating." She mugged him.

Placing down her wild card, "Blue." Din placed down his blue card, his last card.

"See bruh! I told you they was cheating. They can't sit together during game night no more."

As the game continued to go on, Courtney and Kai's playful banter only got worse. Anytime they threw a jab at eachother, Din would just lean down, and wrap his arms around Darcy's neck and laugh.

     The game soon ended, after Din got out, everyone got out, making Darcy loose the game. Even Kai got rid of his cards before Darcy could.

     Everyone started to vote on what to do next, it was either watch a movie, or have a nerf war. After voting, it was a 4-4 tie. So, they decided to do both, starting with the nerf war. They split into teams, team one being, Kai, Davis, Courtney and Din. Team two was Duke, Chris, Fanum and Darcy.

     They all chose the nerf-gun they wanted to choose, and they split up into the house. Darcy had immediately walked in the backyard, deciding to just hide out by the pool until she saw someone. After laying down next to the pool, looking up into the night sky, for 10 minutes, she sighed and got up. Going inside of the house, starting with Din's room, she couldn't find anybody.

Walking out of his room, and down the stairs to Kai's, she didn't find anybody in there, until she left Kai's closet and saw Davis facing away from her. Shooting him 3 times in the back. He turned around quickly, he saw that it was Darcy, knowing that she was on the other team, he was out. So he had to go back upstairs to the living room.

As he walked up the stairs, Darcy was walking behind him. Making sure the coast is clear, she walked upstairs, immediately running into Duke.

     "Who all did you get out?" He asked.

     "I've only gotten Davis out." She awnsered.

     "Well Chris and fanum are out. Kai and Courtney are out too. So all we needa do is get Din." He scratched the back of his head.

     "You go make sure the coast is clear downstairs and I'll do up here?"

     "Alright I gotchu. He started to walk downstairs.

Darcy walked inside of a room, scanning through everything in the room, not seeing anyone. She did that the next couple of rooms, before stepping inside a bedroom. She walked over to the stream-setup as she looked around the desk, she figured that this was Chris' room.

She continued to look around, as she heard something behind her. Turning around swiftly, she saw Din standing there with his nerf gun, pointed towards her.


"Put your gun down Cici."

"You first."

"Do not shoot me Din."

"I won't."

"Just don't shoot me. You promise?"

"Yeah, wheres Duke? Imma go get him." He asked.

"He's downstairs. Go get him."

He opened the door and he started to walk out into the hallway. Darcy being right behind him. She lifted her gun up as he walked around the corner, and she shot. Making team two, win.

     He turned around and straight faced her, "Cici."

     "I'm sorry?" She said as she smiled.

     He started to run up to her, making her run away, but since she had socks on he had caught up with her, wrapping his arms around her waist, he picked her up and spun her around.

     Laughing loudly, "Din put me down," she started to hit on his back.


     "What? No. I let you win uno, you let me win this."

     "Apologize Cici."

     Laughing, "No- HELP, COURTNEY HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME." She started to laugh even harder hearing Courtney run up the stairs with Kai right behind her.

     Din put her down, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder before anyone could see.

     "What do you need help with?" Courtney asked as she tried to catch her breath.

     "You know what - nothing. I'm fine" She gave the two a smile, before walking downstairs and into the living room.

- 40 minutes later, everyone was in the theatre watching a movie, there was only 6 chairs, so Courtney and Kai laid in a recliner together then Darcy and Din laid in a recliner together. Darcy was fast asleep when the movie started, her snores being light, but they were noticeable by Din.

     She had her left leg thrown over his waist, and her left arm thrown over his shoulder. Her head had been resting on his chest. While her blanket had been covering the both of them up, covering her up to her chin. Din stayed up for the majority of the movie, but he soon fell asleep too.

      When the movie ended, Duke, Chris, Davis and fanum got out of their chairs, and looked at the couple fast asleep in the recliner, then they looked at the pair of friends asleep in the recliner.

     Duke pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of both sleeping pairs, "Gotcho asses." As he chuckled.

I dont Like this chapter, I just had to think of something so I could give u guys two updates today 🤍

15 votes for next chap (cause I'm also writing another book, the same time I'm writing this one)

NOT proof read , don't kill me.

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