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2 weeks later

Darcy sat at the island of her kitchen sitting in a stool, with Din to the left of her, as they ate dinner. She didn't work today, but he did. So when he got to her apartment, she decided to have a cooked meal for him.

She decided on making a creamy garlic chicken pasta, that she found on tiktok. And he approved of it, so she obviously did a good job.

They were talking about what they were going to do over the weekend, and they couldn't think of anything.

"I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt to get out of Atlanta for a couple days, Cici. We could go to a beach or something, wherever you want."

"Okay baby - I'll think about it, and I'll get back to you in the morning." She dragged her face away from from facing her plate, and she kissed his cheek.

     She did want to go to the beach, and her awnser was 100% going to be, 'yeah, let's fucking go to the beach', she just wanted to give him a hard time.

     Her phone ringing cut off her thoughts. Picking it up and flipping it over to see who was calling her, a smile immediately graced her lips.

     "It's ma calling," She hit the green button at the bottom of the screen, smiling into the camera seeing her mom.

     "Hi mommy, how are you?"

     "I'm fine baby, how are you?"

     "I'm great," She smiled again.

     "What you doing baby?" Her mother asked.

     "I'm eating dinner." She awnsered.

     "What are you eating? What did you make?"

     "I made this garlic chicken pasta, it's actually really good - oh here's Din mommy." Darcy shifted the phone to face Din.

      "Hi my sweet boy, you eating good? She isn't lying about the food being good is she?" Her mother asked him.

     "Hi mom, and no. It's terrible, your daughter cannot cook to save her life." He smiled seeing Darcy's jaw drop.

     "You're such a liar, ma he's lying. He literally just told me how good it was." She propped the camera up on her water bottle, so that they were both in the frame. After she propped it up, she mushed his head.

     "Hey! Darcy don't hit my baby."

      "Ma! I'm your daughter! How you going to side with him. He just lied to you. You used to pop me in the mouth for lying."

"Yeah yeah - imma pop him too whenever I meet him."

"Mmch. Mom I thought we were cool - we supposed to be ganging up against Darcy." He replied.

"Yeah okay, whatever. What y'all doing this weekend?"

Darcy started, "We're not doing anything, we're just going to chill around the hous-"

Din cut her off.

"We're going to drive down to a beach. She's just in denial or something. I'm about to just kidnap her in her sleep. She never wants to relax."

"Darcy if you don't let that man take you to the damn beach!"

"I know mommy, it's just - I don't even know."

"Go to the beach. Or I'm driving down to Atlanta and kidnapping you with him."

"Ma you don't even drive. How you going to get down here?"

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