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friday night

     Hearing her front door open, she knew that it was Din coming back after the shoot with AMP.

     Looking up from her bag, and looking out her bedroom door, "Baby!" She called out for him.

     "Yeah! Where you at?"

"In the room." She looked away from her bedroom door, and continued to put her bathing suits into her bag.

     She heard him walk down the hallway and a couple seconds later - walk into her room.

     "Hi baby." She smiled up at him from her position on the floor.

He leaned down to place a kiss onto her lips, before placing another, and another, and another.

Laughing, she pushed his head away.

"You almost ready? We needa get there as soon as possible." The two were about to leave for their getaway to Hilton Head island. It was only a 4 hour and 30 minute drive, so it wouldn't take long to get there.

     They decided to leave Friday night, so they could get there, sleep, then spend the rest of the weekend relaxing

     "I'm finishing up right now," She zipped up her bag, "Can we stop at a gas station before we get going?"

     He hummed, indicating that it was a yes.

     "You wanna check my bag for me?" He looked down at her from his sitting position on the bed.

     "Yeah, go get it and I'll check it." She stood up, and put her bag by her bedroom door.

He walked back into her room a couple minutes later, with his bag in his hand, and a banana.

After she checked through his bag, and told him what he forgot to pack, put he just grabbed it from her closet, since he had clothes at her house too.

"Okay. Were ready." She smiled at him before kissing his lips.

     20 minutes later, they were on the road, headed to the nearest gas station for snacks.

     Darcy grabbed a bag of chips, Munchies, and a bottle of blue Gatorade. And she grabbed a bag of chips for Din, and a drink of his choice, before going back out to his car, getting in the passenger, and setting the bag on the middle console before pulling out.


     A long five hours later, they made it to the Airbnb they were staying at.

     "Cici, wake up girl, we're here." He leaned over to kiss her cheek, while shaking her left thigh back and forth.

     No response.

     "Cici, we're here, get up."

     "I'm up baby, I'm awake." As she cuddled closer into her blanket - not awake.

     He sighed, and got out his side of the car, before walking to her side and opening the door.

     She jumped awake - thinking that her door opened while they were driving on the highway. Sighting in relief when she saw her boyfriend standing outside of her door, at the house they had booked.

     "Baby, why didn't you tell me we were here. I would've woken up." She yawned as she removed her belt, and started to get up.

     He sighed, "I'm sorry Cici, you're right I should've woken you up." He smiled at her as he held out his hand to help her get out.

Devoted - Agent00Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin