Chapter 4

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Following her show of dominance, Shukun remained a quiet, albeit protective, audience during all Kagome's classes. All of her pupils had questions about him, interested to know what kind of dog he was and why she had decided to get him.

"Have you had trouble with break-ins?" one of the women in her morning class inquired. Recently, there had been a string of burglaries in the neighborhood. No one had been hurt but the community was on edge.

"No, nothing like that," Kagome assured the woman. "I wanted a companion."

"You should settle down," the woman replied. "Find a husband, have a few children."

Kagome forced herself to smile. If only it were that easy, she thought bitterly. It wasn't as though men were lining up around the block to date her. Not that she would know. All of her time was spent on work and helping her family.

"My nephew is a doctor at Tokai University. He's only a few years older than you and single," her student offered with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Thank you. I'm good," Kagome politely declined.

She grimaced as she turned away. There was nothing more embarrassing than having one of her clients play matchmaker. Shukun glanced up at her, his golden eyes filled with amusement.

"What are you looking at?" Kagome asked testily.

The dog merely huffed in response. He returned to his corner to lay down. She felt his eyes on her through tour the remainder of the session.

After the women's adult class, Kagome hosted one geared for men. It was late enough in the morning that most of her clients came during their lunch break. They took turns between shooting and eating before they returned to their jobs.

During their class, she noticed a shift in Shukun's demeanor. He didn't just follow her with his eyes. He kept to her side, a constant shadow as she instructed them on their technique. If any of her students made a move toward her, Shukun growled. Kagome reprimanded him multiple times but no amount of scolding would deter him.

"Protective guy, huh?" one of her clients asked as he packed up.

"Sorry," Kagome apologized. "Shukun's not normally like this. I'm not sure what's gotten into him. He was fine earlier."

"Don't worry about it," the man said, waving her off. "I'm glad you have him. With all those break-ins happening around here, I'm relieved you have some security."

"I'm a kyudo teacher," Kagome reminded him.

"Archery is great for long-distance but for attacks that occur in close proximity, you would need—."

"I've got it covered," Kagome interrupted, unsheathing her tanto blade. She had begun tucking it into her belt as a precaution.

"You can't blame me for being concerned," the man stated. "A single woman living alone is risky. I could check and see if any of the single guys in my office would be interested in joining class, give you an opening?" he suggested.

Kagome clenched her jaw. That was the second time today someone had mentioned her relationship status. Didn't her clients have anything better to think about?

"Thank you. I promise I'm fine. I have my training to keep me safe and Shukun for company," Kagome assured her client.

"It would be good for you to go out with people your own age," the man insisted.

"I'll think about it," Kagome said to pacify him.

"Great." He gave her a wave and exited the dojo.

Kagome let out a long sigh, leaning against the wall and allowing herself to slide to the floor. "What a bunch of nosy neighbors," she muttered.

Silver & Gold (by SageMcMae; A Sesshomaru x Kagome Love Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora