Chapter 2

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Calming her students down was impossible after the incident in the park. Not a single one of them had seen the dog or the blood trail but she couldn't hide the fact that her hakama was torn or the crimson stains on her hands. Her class buzzed with speculation. By the time Kagome returned to her dojo she could tell lessons were over.

She circled the girls together in the center of the training room and tasked them with making arrows for their next class. Some of the older girls began to protest, wanting to know what had happened beyond the gate, but Kagome ignored their questions. She instructed them to help their younger peers then excused herself to wash up.

The washroom in the dojo was tucked behind her office. It's placement allowed for privacy from her students while she cleaned the blood off her hands and changed into a new skirt. It also gave her a chance to sneak into her office.

Kagome searched online for a breed to match the type of dog she'd found. She wanted to follow through on making flyers. The community had supported her business endeavor. If someone nearby had lost their pet, Kagome would do what she could to ensure he was returned to them.

Especially given the fact his injuries were her fault.

Kagome grimaced thinking of how deep the arrow had gone. There was a risk of infection. She wished she would have been able to convince the dog to come back with her. Hearing the girls chattering just outside, Kagome changed her mind.

There was no way of knowing how the animal would act around them. As wrong as it was of her to harm him, it would be equally wrong to assume he'd tolerate children. Strays tended to be distrustful. A dojo full of loud, giggling girls wouldn't ease the beast.

Kagome scrolled through pictures of white dogs varying in size from medium to large breeds but none of the images matched. The closest she came to identifying the dog from the park was a dog/wolf hybrid. The hybrids resembled the dog she'd come across but they didn't match his size or the color of his eyes— that golden shade which was so abnormal yet familiar.

Almost as if he was...

She shook her head, pushing the thought away. Kagome knew any similarity she saw between the dog and Inuyasha was in her head. She was only seeing what she wanted to see.

Giving up on finding the dog's breed, Kagome searched the community websites to see if anyone had posted about a missing pet. There were no new entries. With a sigh, she left her office to check on her students.

They'd made progress in her absence, some more than others. Her eldest student, Hina, caught Kagome's eye as she surveyed them.


"Yes, Hina?"

"Are you alright?"

It wasn't until she asked that Kagome realized her hands were shaking. The Feudal Era was savage but Kagome had never taken a life unless she was forced to. Wounding a defenseless dog was horrifying. What kind of person hit an animal?

"I'll be fine," she managed to croak out.

It was clear from the glances amongst her pupils that they didn't believe her. They watched her closely throughout the remainder of the afternoon. When Kagome snapped an arrow in two, Hina handed her feathers to craft a new one. She didn't utter a word but Kagome felt the girl's steady gaze until she announced class was over.

She'd never been so relieved to see Hojo before.

"Hello, Kagome," he greeted her in his usual friendly tone. "How are you today?"


Mei tugged on her father's hand. When he glanced down at her, she shook her head vigorously. Hojo's brow furrowed. "What's wrong, Mei?"

Silver & Gold (by SageMcMae; A Sesshomaru x Kagome Love Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora