Chapter 1

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A wail came from her right. "Sensei!"

Kagome Higurashi turned to see Mei Itō with tears in her eyes. Her youngest student was a bright little girl with cinnamon-colored eyes and soft black hair which was currently pulled back into a bun at the base of her head. The girl's lower lip trembled as she waited for her instructor.

"What happened?" Kagome asked gently, kneeling at the girl's side.

"I can't do it," Mei cried. "It's too far. I'm too small and weak."

Some of the older girls snickered behind Kagome. She shot them a stern look and they hastily returned to their lesson.

"Kyūdō isn't only about hitting the mark," she told her student. "It involves self-reflection, patience, and discipline. These are lessons one must master in life as well as in archery. Do you understand?"

Mei nodded, moving to brush her gloved hand across her face. Kagome caught her wrist and retrieved a handkerchief. "Here."

Mei bowed her head. "Arigatō, sensei. "

"Focus inward," Kagome advised. "Not all strength is physical."

She stepped back, watching as her student shakily retrieved another arrow. Mei didn't find her mark on her first attempt or even the fifth but she kept trying. Kagome scanned the length of the training room, taking in her other student's progress. Their dedication to their task was admirable but she'd witnessed stronger convictions.

It had been seven years since the final battle against Naraku— seven long years since the Bone Eater's Well closed and she'd made her wish. The Shikon No Tama was gone, along with her otherworldly powers. Kagome had been returned to her time, to a normal life. She snorted to herself.

As if this was normal.

A female business owner, while not unheard of, was still an anomaly. Not many people expected her to break out on her own. As progressive as she'd viewed the future to be, it still wasn't truly equal.

It had been a slow start, but no one could deny her ability with a bow or her affinity for teaching. Those traits were the ones that impressed her first clients. From there, word of mouth spread until she was able to pull together a small marketing budget. Her budget was a source of both constant pride and frustration.

It had taken her three years of working odd jobs, barely sleeping some weeks, to save up enough money to purchase the property. It was close enough to the shrine that she could ride her bike and came with the added benefit of a small apartment.

After living on the road surrounded by her friends, being alone was a struggle. The transition took longer for Kagome to acclimate to than her jump back to the present from the Feudal Era. Visits from her family helped, even if Grandpa insisted on covering all entryways with ofudas. Ever since her return, Grandpa had been more insistent than ever on her need to protect herself from all manner of evil spirits. It was comforting to know that some things never changed.

Staying busy kept her mind off the past and her loneliness. She developed a routine. Each morning, Kagome rose with the sun, went for a run in the park, showered, ate breakfast, then set up for classes. She'd conduct advanced sessions in the morning for adults, break for a light lunch, then begin her afternoon classes with varying levels of instruction after school let out. By dusk, Kagome was ready to close the dojo and cook herself dinner.

Nights were the hardest time of day. It was when she struggled with how to fill her time. In the beginning, Kagome read but it didn't last long. After hunting jewel shards and demon attacks, nothing in her novels could compare to the adventures she had experienced. She tried losing herself in a part-time job but it didn't last long. Once word got out that Kagome was experienced in traditional techniques, the dojo required her full attention.

Silver & Gold (by SageMcMae; A Sesshomaru x Kagome Love Fanfiction) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now