"taehyung, we have to go!" he heard jungkook scream after him.

he didn't have to turn to know his crew was fighting off biters surrounding them.

he didn't know why he was glued to the ground next to sana. something about all of this just hit him so hard and he felt for her. for all of them.

"you know what sucks?" sana coughed, wiping her now bloodied hand on her jeans as blood continued to pour out her neck.

her veins were getting darker. her eyes were starting to turn a light shade of yellow and her hair was starting to cling together in clumps.

she was turning. and there was nothing he could do about it.

"i loved her. i-i didn't tell her because i was scared. she never k-knew i loved her." sana's tears were red as they fell down her face.

"sana..." taehyung held her with pity.

this was exactly what he didn't want to happen. not to him and not to anyone.

he didn't care that she was turning. he wanted to be there for her because he knew everyone else she knew was gone.

"i-i can tell he loves you, y'know." sana attempted to smile, but her mouth was covered in blood.

taehyung felt his heart stop, "what?"

"that one." she pointed weakly at jeon jungkook, who was fighting and shooting biters as they got close to taehyung.

taehyung shut his eyes and brought his attention back to sana, "you're losing a lot of blood, so you're getting delusional-"

"shut up. i'm not stupid." she interrupted and winced as her stomach started to burn.


"don't be an idiot like me. tell him."

"tell him what?" but he had a feeling he knew what she was going to say.

"that you love him." she coughed again, blood splurging out onto the ground.

"i-i don't... i don't-"

"you have to allow yourself to love him. because if you don't, you'll end up like me. regretful and dead." she chuckled wryly as her breathing staggered.

"i cant. i cant love him." taehyung whispered and admitted, his heart breaking at his words.

"you obviously already d-do." she groaned as a pain ran out through her body, feeling her old self slipping away the more time passed.

taehyung looked at her with sadness and she held up her hand to stop him from helping her, "love always comes with a price. that's just how it is. but, if you get past that, you'll find that it's beautiful. love is so, so beautiful."

she groaned as she held her stomach, "do not lose him. do not lose him, kim. because this is w-worth it."

his eyes teared up, "what is?"

"true love."

and with that final sentence, she collapsed on the ground, the bite on her neck finally stopping its blood flow.

he swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched her turn into a biter, her lifeless body suddenly starting to snarl and moan for his flesh. she reached out for him, her eyes bright and yellow, flashing hunger.

he held her back with all of his strength and wiped his tears. taehyung shakily grabbed the knife placed inside of his pocket, bringing it into her skull and watching her yellow eyes stop its fierce movements.

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