"that it does."

"where's is layla anyways?" i asked looking around the kitchen into the living room.

"she went on a walk."

"i'm gonna drive around and try to find her, bye mom."

i have been driving around for a few minutes when i spot my lovely girlfriend. i slow down and roll the window down honking.

she jumped and looked slightly behind her spotting me.

"connie!" layla yelled running to my window.

"hi pretty lady," i said leaning forward and kissing her softly. "get in the car."

she walked around opening the door and getting in. once she was in the car i turned towards her and kissed her again.

"wanna go chill by the pool when we get there?" i asked grabbing layla's hand.

"yeah sure."

"c'mon," i pulled layla down the driveway to the gate to get to the pool. as we were walking we heard noises, seeing four people in the pool as we walked in.

"hey guys!" i yell making it known me and layla entered.

"hey conrad and layla," belly said as jeremiah turned the both of them around.

"hi belly, are you guys playing chicken?" layla smiled as we walked closer to the pool.

"um, yeah. it was, it was taylor's idea."

"hey, i'm taylor."

"she's my best friend from home," belly told.

"just visiting for the weekend."

"nice to meet you," i heard layla say as i spaced out for a sec.

"you guys wanna play a real game?"

"i can't believe next week is our anniversary," layla said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"i know, feels like it's only been barely a month." i wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

we sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying each other's company when all of a sudden a ball comes flying over.

"ow!" layla yells covering her eye.

"hey, are you okay?" i grab my girlfriend so she's facing me and i look right above her eye.

"i'm so sorry," belly said swimming bear us. "are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm totally fine, it's okay," layla smiled at belly. "you guys keep playing.

"let me see it, c'mon let's go inside," i stand up pulling layla with me. "i'll get you some ice."

"conrad, it's okay, i'm fine."

"i'm so so sorry again, layla," i heard belly continue. i look at her with a straight face then place my attention back to layla. "feel better okay?"

forever • conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now