Working on it part 2 (tw sh⚠️)

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Maeve's pov

The morning after I found out, I got out of bed and called a place I knew of to make an appointment.

" Hello, this is West Elm Mental Health, Trish speaking, how can I help you today?" The receptionist answered.

" Hi, I was wondering if you do anger management therapy here?" I asked semi-quietly as to not wake Mari up.

" Sure do, would you like to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists here? We have a few taking new patients." Trish replied.

" Yes please." I replied trying to not get anxious.

I told her my insurance information and she said it was covered there so we could move forward with making an appointment.

" Okay so the soonest I could get you in is Friday with Melissa Stein. Your options would be the 8:00 am session or the 4:00 pm session. Would either of those work for you?" She asked me.

" Uh yeah the 8:00 am works, I'm working during the other slot." I said and noticed Mari come out of the bedroom groggily.

" Great, I'll write you down for that slot. Can I get your name again? I don't remember if you told me." Trish asked.

" It's Maeve, Maeve Marquez." I answered.

" Alrighty, see you 8:00 am on Friday Maeve, please bring your Id and insurance card." She told me.

" Sounds good, thank you, goodbye." I said and waited for her to hang up.

" What was that about?" Mari asked as she poured some orange juice into a glass and came to sit by me.

" I have an appointment for Friday." I said as I leaned back on the couch anxious but relieved.

" Really? That's so great love." She said smiling. " And I was thinking about it, I should probably see someone too."

" Great, let's do it. I don't think my place takes your insurance but let's do a little research and figure it out." I said as I opened my laptop.

The two of us browsed until we found a good match and I called and made Mari her appointment which would be three days after mine, on that Monday.

" This is good." Mari said. " Thank you."

" Of course and I agree, this is good."  I replied.

As the next couple of days passed I found myself trying really hard to not get angry with things but it was hard.

On Thursday Mari relapsed.

" I need to tell you something." She said when I got back from work.

I told myself to take a big breath so I did, before I replied as calmly as I could. " Okay, what's going on?"

" I cut myself again today. I'm sorry Maeve. I tried not to, really I did, but the urge was just too much to bear. I just wanted to be upfront." She told me as tears began to fill her eyes.

I pulled her in for a hug so she didn't have to see me clench my jaw. I told myself to comfort her now and get angry later, alone, because I couldn't yell at her again, it would destroy her.

" It's alright love, thank you for telling me. Did you clean and bandage them?" I asked, trying to focus on her injuries and not my emotions.

" Yeah I did. I didn't want to make you do it again." She replied and pulled up her sleeve to show me that she had done as such.

" That's good, you did good." I said inspecting the bandage lightly. " If you need my help I'm here to help though okay, just know that you don't make me do anything, I want to help you if that's what you need."

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