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Your hands made their way to his shoulder, when it did you felt his body relaxed. You sat on his lap, His bandaged hand took your chin as he placed a kiss. This was wrong in many aspects. You two were just partners, nothing else. But you can't help but get used to the feeling of his lips intertwining with yours, You laid on the bed as Blade intertwined both of your hands, pinning them in the soft mattress as he pressed his body closer to yours.

Physical Touch. That was the only explanation you could ever come up with, He calms down with your touch- Not Kafka's Spirit Whisper anymore, He needs attention. Dim lights and the sound of your soft moan lingering in the bed, more so in the bed.

As the sun woke up, So were you- You held your forehead with your palm as you looked at the person next to you sleeping rather peacefully, Your hands reached out to feel your bare neck which he filled with bites at night. Your mouth pursed into a thin line. "I'm only doing this.. because I'm helping him overcome the Mara." You mumbled to yourself, If your mother the high empress and the emperor knew what you had done you'll surely be disowned, Most likely your father's but you didn't care.

As long as joining the Stellaron Hunters guarantees your safety and your revenge you'll overthrow the man once you called father and change his mysogynitics' rule. That was your first plan, and will always be your goal. You glance at the man sleeping in your bed, His dashing black with dark blue tips locks, And his broad shoulders. "Something about this.." You muttered as you shook your head, "Nevermind." You continued as you put on your clothes that was scattering on the ground, Your hair messy as you left Blade to sleep on your bed. You came to the bathroom as you twisted the shower's handle.

The sprinkle of water calmed your senses; It flowed in your body touching the bites that Blade made, The cooling sensation you felt upon was rather calming for you, You touched your neck as your lips opened a little remembering the scenes yesterday night- The night escalated so quickly and you couldn't help but indulge yourself in pleasure even If It wasn't the most brightest idea.

He made you feel haven, But that will always be a secret forever buried. There was no way you'd tell him you enjoyed that. Blade opened his eyes to notice your presence nowhere to be seen after a while he saw you getting out of the bathroom, Your body covered with a robe and a towel in your head. Blade's eyes widened at the sight of you- You looked at him confused. "Are you okay Blade? You're quite red, are you having a fever?" As you were about to place your hand on his forehead he backed away in instant. "I'm fine.." He said, averting his eyes elsewhere.

"Y/N, this will be a secret. Right?" You gave him a reassuring smile, Eyes closed as you nod humming. "Of course. It's our secret."

A few hours later, Silverwolf had tried to ask for a leave to get her favourite plushie and Kafka couldn't come with her, and that's also meant She was forbidden to come out unless she brings another member just incase of emergency. "Kafka, I'm not a baby anymore!!" She exclaimed, her facial expression angry- "Fine, go with Blade and Y/N." You stopped and put down the scarf you have been knitting. "Me?" You repeated.

"A little get away together wouldn't hurt you both, really." Sam, said and you shrug he was right. But Blade seemed hesitant about the idea, until Silverwolf presuaded him. "Go with me, You runaway from me when I ask you to play together atleast pay it with going with me this time." She said nonchalantly which made Blade sigh and nod, He wasn't too excited about this trip- But if Silverwolf persuades him there's no stopping until she gets what she wants.

When the three of you finally finished wearing disguises you head out- Except It was Blade you mainly dressed like he's about to rob a bank, You wore a simple summer dress with your small bag just incase Silverwolf's credits is insufficient. The three of you finally arrived at the Arcade as Silverwolf and your eyes lit up like a child that has been given a candy for the first time, "Truly, other country is so fascinating." You said. "There's nothing like this in my homeland." Silverwolf's mouth parted and took your hand. "Let's play that one!"

She dragged you into a gamebooth where Blade could only follow you both, Guarding you both from possible danger. Casually taking pictures and sending it to Kafka and Sam. Your smile was more.. genuine? As you played with Silverwolf to your hearts content. Blade was never the one who was good with technology, That was why he often ditches Silverwolf when she offers him to play, He had the most boring looking phone case when Kafka asked what will be his case design and he said none.

But he managed to take a photo of you, alone. You were smiling, your eyes turning upside down crescent. And before you three noticed it you have been there the whole day, When it was finally time to go home Silverwolf made a last request.

"Before we go can we get the limited plusie of Owlbert!?" She said excitedly. You sighed and nodded before she happily ran towards the claw machine and focused on getting one copy of the stuff toy, you and blade on the background- Blade keeping Kafka's question answered and you cheering at her. Silverwolf didn't care she needed that plushie even if her credits gone to waste.

"... Haha, isn't that cute? You three look like a family." Kafka said on the otherline which made Blade groan. "I got it!" Silverwolf said and you cheered at her.

"Did she get it?" Kafka asked, in which Blade answered. "Yes, she did. We're done here we'll go home in a bit."

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