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"Don't forget your place, You're mine."

Perhaps others misinterprets the words coming from that bastard's mouth, Those sentence alone had two meanings: One, I am not a princess but I used to be living in pure luxury and was treated as one. Two as sick and twisted as It is he had laid his eyes on me, his adopted sister. His gaze makes me uncomfortable for many years that I had lone imagine myself killing him out of fear for my life.

But killing him would result to treason and I still didn't know how to use this cursed ability of mine. But Elio had given me chance to correct that. At first I had only thought of going back to the country to see and reach her out of worry but now that Elio had given me a reason to fight then I will do so. 

As I heard Kafka's voice, I didn't feel a single thing at all all I felt was I needed this peace before the atrocities I will commit in order to overthrow this family and make them fell into ruins. They call it, Calm before the Storm. As I walk into this darkness of road with no signs of escape, Different scenarios was present in my eyes scanning it my mouth pursed into a thin line. May it the past  lies around these said scenarios the continues to play like a captured video in my head. 

"No one must know about this, Do you understand me Y/N?" A terrified voice from my mother as she shakily muttered a laugh, With nervousness and hurt lingering on her voice. 

"Let me go! Ain!" A young version of myself said struggling against the grasped of that monster. I saw nothing but fear on my eyes in that moment. These memories are all rather unpleasant but does it look like I have a choice. 

"AAAAAH! HIS MAJESTY AIN HAS COLLAPSED!" There stood in the side, the younger version of me hands bawled into fist as I had successfully committed something I never thought I'd do, I killed him! With this cursed tongue, I killed him! 

A weak person was now on her room alone, Covering her ears as she muttered repeatedly. 'It wasn't me, He deserve it... He was a scum!' Convincing herself that It wasn't her fault. All of them are despicable, I hate them! The younger me said puking and crying from the guilt consuming me. 

Then he arrived, I saw the very first mission I had done with Blade. He was always cold, distant and stoic. "Are you alright?" He asked. That was probably the first time someone had asked me If I was alright since becoming a Stellaron Hunter. 

Third Person's Point of View.

To say that your mother, the imperial family was shocked when they saw a woman with Magenta Locks and eyes hours after you collapsed was an understatement. Kafka had receive a Dire call from Blade. And since then three days later yet you were still asleep. your breathing was slow. However Kafka had reassured Blade that you were conscious and there was nothing to worry about yet the male thought otherwise. He was getting impatient. Suddenly Blade had already unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the Doctor. The Emperor and the Empress was shocked for sure as they sensed the deadly bloodlust coming from the lad. 

The Mara is slowly losing control, Kafka clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Blade, you're really doing it? It may make Y/N disappointed." Blade stopped om his tracks as he lowered his sword but minutes later he swiftly pointed it at Mikhail, cutting a small cut in his cheek in the process. Blade gave him a sinister smirk as he lowered it, "Apologies, My hand is quite clumsy." Kafka's magenta orbs dilating as her mouth curved into a small smirk, It was a warning. Although Blade had calmed down the bloodlust in his voice was still there. 

Slowly, You opened your eyes as you saw the tensed atmosphere slowly sitting down as you held your head. "Yingxing stop it." You asked in a calm tone, Blade upon seeing you open your eyes felt a wash of relief engulfing him, For the first time in years he felt scared. Scratch that, He wasn't allowed to feel scared but you made the impossible. He was ready to kill everyone If that'll make you comeback. No hesitations, No regrets. 

Blade hope this wasn't the case. He feared this for a long time. 

As the wedding preparations came, Naturally the two of you became quite distant as the preparations were busy and separate for the bride and groom. This didn't mind you, Blade seemed trouble by it though. Just a month and the wedding will be done. Blade clicked his tongue as he stride towards the abandoned music room where the servant informed him your location. As he pulled the doors of the said room, There you were sitting as your hands gracefully played the piano. His dull red eyes widened feeling a sense of euphoria residing in his body as he saw you under the moonlight playing with the piano. You looked so elegant and graceful. 

He felt his chest tightened surrounded with so many emotions, He felt absolutely conflicted. You didn't seem to know his presence in the room as you continued to play your fingers tapping the tiles softly as you closed your eyes listening to the sweet melodic rhythm you have produced. It was calm, serene all you felt was tranquil. You had remembered that this is how you used to bond with your mother she would sit on a chair listening to you play. It was a core memory you remember and kept all this time. As the song came to an end you fluttered your eyes open. You felt your whole world stopped as you saw his figure leaning against the door.

Abruptly standing up, His figure was making his way to you. You looked at his eyes staring as he looked down at you, None of you were able to say a word. Only the each of your breathing can be heard, He leaned down as averted his eyes hesitating. "Y/N.. I..," He said, his voice was low. Making your whole body shiver. You heard him everyday but tonight you seem particularly nervous on what he was about to say.  You were scared. 

You were scared to be so close to him, You were scared he'd hear your beating heart.

He suddenly without a notice hugged you tightly. "Y/N.. I don't want to deny It any longer." He said, You stood still. Trying to listen to him. "I don't want to deny that I crave your touch. That I had fallen in love with you." You could feel the loudness of his beating heart, Just the same as yours. 

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