Writing After COVID-19

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I've been struggling a lot with writer's block over the last few years due to the pandemic. It's been a real battle, with all the ups and downs. My inspiration has been zapped, and I really have been working to get back into some kind of writing routine. What have I found to help me get my writing mojo back after all that has happened? I've made a handy list to help if you are having the same trouble. After all, this is the best time that authors need to support each other. 

1) Try to reestablish your routine. 

I think this has been the hardest since COVID has wrecked our lives. From the lock downs, to virtual work and just trying to run a household or keep your family sane, our attention has been directed to many other things, and our writing might have suffered. So, getting back into the routine of writing is the first step to regaining a foothold back into your writing projects. 

Set aside that time that you write, with no distractions, no matter what it may be. And just get butt in chair and write. Whether it's a Wattpad project or one of your self-publishing ventures, just getting some work done can feel so accomplished, no matter the length. Just do something.

2) Have multiple projects going

This I found, was a saving grace when COVID hit. I usually have a few genres that I write, with different pen names. In fact, I couldn't write any fiction while we were doing lockdowns, it so affected my creativity. So, I wrote nonfiction instead. I got down all of my knowledge about self-publishing into a handbook, which I had been talking about for doing for years. So, in 2020, I finally did it. I sat down and got all that knowledge into a handbook which is now available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. It's called "Get Ready to Push the Button: A Beginner's Guide to Self-Publishing". 

It saved me to be able to switch writing gears and work on other projects. So, think about what you can do. Think about what your brain might be ready to write or engage with. Don't force it. And if you wake up some days and can't seem to work on one project, switch to another. I have three pen names. So, it allows me to have a lot of versatile projects to rotate from one to another.

3) If you miss a deadline, don't beat yourself up. SET YOUR OWN PACE

So, as a self published author, I make my own deadlines. I set them so I can have a goal to reach, and of course, get a project finished. But, with COVID19, a lot of deadlines went out the window. So, I've had to go along with my deadlines having to be fluid at times, when things come up. I can do that as a self-published author. I have no contracts unless I'm working with an Indie Editor, formatter or other hired assistant as a self-published author. I don't do it alone. But I set the pace. 

That's what I've found out. If you set your own pace, your sanity can be saved. Because the COVID wrench in our lives really has taught me that nothing should be written in stone. Being flexible is the best way to solve the problems that come up now in a post-COVID world. 

4) It's okay to take a break from writing.

This was absolutely hard for me to realize for awhile, since working helped me deal with the stress of COVID19 taking over the world. I could work safely in my home writing. But when the world started to open up more after the vaccines, it took awhile to ease out of this. 

I found mentally, I needed to take a break. I didn't have to write every day. In fact, maybe taking a break would help me rebalance and try to redefine my life after going through the pandemic. When I was ready, I'd get back to writing. In fact, sometimes it's good to take a break from projects as well. If you're stuck, a break can really help clear your mind so you can think and fix any problems in the manuscript later. 

Give yourself permission to take a break from your writing. 

***That is it so far. I'm going to add to the list as I think of more. But hopefully, this will help you to get back on track after the crazy few years we've all had. 

Remember, stay safe and keep writing.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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