Starting Your On-Line Presence

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So you want to be a romance novelist? You've started that novel and you're working to getting it done. You've found a freelance editor, and got beta readers lined up. Good. You're on your way. It's time to commit even further. It's time to make your presence known, on the WEB. Oh god! How? You can't even begin to figure what to do next. Social Media is so overwhelming. Well, here are some tips to get started. 

Step 1: Build A Website

This is easier than you may think. There are several web hosting sites that make it as easy as writing on Wattpad. Plus, many combine the ideas of a website with a blog. The site I chose to host my site is It's an easy format, with ways to build your blog into an active website. I have different pages with these categories: Books, Current Projects, Reviews and Interviews, Review Copy Request, Affiliates. I came up with these categories by looking at other author websites.

Wordpress makes it easy by giving you options to choose for backgrounds/themes to design your website. The best thing to do is to have something up before you release your first book, and then you'll have some people already interested for your first book launch. If you'd like to see what I've done, check it out here.

Step 2: Social Media

You need this if you're going to be a successful romance novelist. The important thing to remember is that you don't always want to flood your file with tons of comments only about your books. So, pick social media that you will enjoy commenting and interacting on. You may already have one you prefer such as Facebook or Twitter. You can create an account for your pen name with another email account. Besides, sometimes it's helpful to set up a separate account for your pen name to keep your personal social media separate from your author presence. 

I have accounts on Facebook and Twitter. I found two is about what I can handle. I've never really been into Instagram. I try to send out comments on what I'm doing in real life to make a connection with people.

For example, I love Grumpy Cat, and cats in general. I was watching the Grumpy Cat Christmas Movie and was really bored just watching the movie alone. So, I got on-line and chatted with other people watching the movie on Twitter. It turned out I found out the movie was being repeated all day, and there were some people watching it for hours. I started commenting and came up with some funny, truth filled posts.

Later, I found People Magazine had used one of my tweets in reporting the reaction to the movie on-line. Here's what I said: "#WorstChristmasEver Truth: Cat people really do talk to their cats. Yes, they usually don't talk back, but we wish they did. #catpeople".

Not only was it picked up by People Magazine's On-Line Mag, other press picked it up reporting on what People Magazine had found. So, you just never know what will happen. Just tweet or post on Facebook on things you are interested in, and people will want to hear more of what you have to say. Here's the link if you want to check out the article on-line:

Here's my social media links to see what I've done:



Step 3: Post for Advice on Writing Boards

The last step will get you into a position to get more info as needed on your writing journey. Sometimes as writers, you feel alone in your endeavor. But there are tons of us out there. We all meet on writing boards, hashing out ideas and resolving problems that others find them in. My favorite writing hangout on-line is a writing board called Writer's Cafe on

I've been on this board for several years. I've found my cover designer, editor, beta readers and tons of advice on advertising and marketing through posts with questions and threads of advice. It's the best place to find info that I've found on the internet. There are a lot of other places to go, but I know this one is safe for newbies. Lots of people are helpful with advice, and love to welcome newbies. Here is the link: Then, click on Writer's Cafe. Look for me there as MarilynVix. 

That's about it! These tips should help you get started in creating an internet presence that will build a following for your future books. Later, I'll talk a little bit more about how to market and get the word out about your new book. Meanwhile, get back to writing. You won't be able to promote a book unless it's done. Any more questions, post in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer.

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