"You did it," she yelled keeping our faces close, both of us crying.

"You mean the world to me Laurie," I sobbed out. We pulled apart after a shared moment.

My eyes caught who was next, green eyes shining with tears and his hands clapping together. "Charles," I breathed throwing myself at him. He caught me with his arms securing around my back, my arms around his neck. I couldn't speak, I just leaned up kissing him between my cries. Charles full of emotion as well, kissing me back. We pulled apart but kept our faces close, sharing the air. My face full with a smile, his dimples and smile just as large.

"You were incredible Flo, congratulations. I'm so proud of you," he whispered.

"Thank you," I smiled brushing my lips against his one more time, forgetting the crowd around us.

I reluctantly pulled away and led myself towards the stairs to the court , but I turned back to my team one more time. All of them cheering and clapping. I blew them a kiss before making my way back to the court where the ceremony was being set up, my mind racing as I sat back down on the bench.

I sat down throwing the towel over my head. "Grazie mama," I whispered closing my eyes. I could see her smiling face and felt the warmth of one of her hugs. My cry turned into a weep. 
I watched while Jessica accepted her trophy, her interview gracious as expected. I took a deep breath while the announcer turned to me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a woman on a mission this entire tournament. Please give it up for our US Open champion, Florence Bonsee."

The crowd roared while the head of the tournament approached me with the trophy. I thanked her as I felt the cool medal touch my hands, my arms quickly wrapping it up. I forgot to hold it up as the interview began, but I didn't mind.

"Florence Bonsee, a dominant two weeks from you. What does this mean to you?"

"It's quite something," I began testing out my voice. "It's hard work as an individual and team. It's the dream of a little girl playing tennis with her mom and dad," my voice threatening to choke. "It's the players who came before me and the current ones. Everyone played incredible tennis this tournament. Jessica you were unstoppable this entire tournament as well, you're an honor to play against." Jessica nodded at me with a smile.

"Now we know the disappointment that has come over the last two years. You've finally managed to win it all. What was different this tournament?"

I let out a chuckle at her use of words. "I can promise the word finally doesn't mock me anymore," I stuttered into the mic. The interviewer laughed while the crowd roared. I waved at them until they quieted. "It's the people that challenge me on the court. There is my team of course, they are with me every step of the way. My dad and I share the very special and sometimes frustrating relationship of being coach and daughter. I wouldn't have it any other way, he's the genius behind the player. I wouldn't be here without the people keeping me healthy mentally and physically." I let out a laugh while the words poured out of me. "It's friends and more than friends that help me day in and day out too. Having a close circle that understand what it takes to balance your career can make the difference."

My words broke next, the tears present and threatening to pour. "Then there's the memory of my mother inspiring me and reminding me to have fun every time I step on a court." I used one hand to whipe my tears, taking a deep breath to gather my composure. The announcer patted my shoulder and let the moment stand as the fans applauded.

"Now a question chosen from one of the fans, 9 year old Micah wanted to know what you did before the match to stay calm."

I felt my cheeks flush, and let out a nervous laugh. "That's a great question Micah, I ugh. I listened to my favorite piano player before the match. It kept me calm the entire time until now I guess," I smiled and looked up towards Charles. I knew he was far but sent up a terrible wink in that direction.

"Thank you Florence. Finally, how about this crowd?"

"Electric as always! Thank you to all the fans, this sport and moment wouldn't be the same without you," I yelled blowing kisses as I turned in a circle. The roar greeting me again.

"Now I know you have that trophy in a tight embrace, can you give it a kiss for us?"

I laughed pulling the trophy away from my chest, raising the trophy in my hands. The silver medal reflected back at me. I puckered my lips and kissed the trophy engraving the moment in my mind.

User: FlorenciaBonsee

User: FlorenciaBonsee

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Thank you New York ❤️

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Thank you New York ❤️

User: CharlesLecerc

Tennis has a new Champion! So proud of you Flo Bonsee! Save a hug for me🏆💛

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Tennis has a new Champion! So proud of you Flo Bonsee! Save a hug for me🏆💛

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