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Quick warning: I'm not going to control all 30 students but rather 10, just so it's easier to manage. Hope you understand. Anyways, happy reading! :)

Bell rings*

Outside the classroom, you could hear students shouting and having a meltdown. They just finished an exam and were talking about how it went. They couldn't stop complaining how hard the math test was.


"That paper was hard!" -Lola

Lola. She's one of Ella's friend. She's pretty shy and quiet, mostly around people she doesn't know. She can be loud when she's with Ella and Dannie.

"Tell me about it... the last question though was the easiest, I know I got full marks." Ella turns towards her left to Lola.

Ella is like the main character of the trio. She's very nice and has a sweet spot for anyone. No matter what. She's also emotional most of the time, she gets upset easily too.

"Easiest? That was the hardest! I hated that geometry question!"-Lola

"What did you think of the test, Dannie?" Ella now turned towards her right to Dannie. She wasn't responding so she gave her a little nudge. "Hello?"

"O-oh, yeah I want it too." Dannie replied and looked down at her feet while she sped up her walking wanting to get out of here.

Dannie is short for Danielle. She's a caring girl that gets serious about every little situation happening. Especially when it comes to Ella. She'll do anything for that girl. Also her personality is very similar to Ella's.
And did I mention that they are best friends since little?

"What?" Lola chuckles "what do you mean-" Lola and Ella both stop for a second and look at each other before running towards Dannie.

Ella placed her hand on her shoulder to turn her towards them. "What she meant was, what's up with you?" Ella interrupted Lola. "You've been kinda quiet nowadays. It's not like you."

Dannie looked at Ella with eyes brimmed with tears. She looked like she haven't had a cry since years.

They all stopped and sat down together to have a proper deep talk.


Ella held onto Dannie's hand. "Whenever you're ready, we are here for you." She smiled as she stands up and leaves. Lola also stood up and left. All Dannie did was let out a deep sigh.

The next lesson*

"Make sure the homework is done by tomorrow, class dismissed." The teacher, Mrs Rivers, stood up, took her stuff and left. The students got up and started to chat and fool around. However, Dannie was the only one, at the back not chatting with her friends.

Ella came towards her and pulls her over outside the classroom. "You ready to talk?"

She thought for a second. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Let the game begin! CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now