The devoted  husband  and wife gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Her name was Selene. Princess  Selene was also known as the goddess Moon.

However, who were knew that Princess Selene’s one wrong decision sank the dynasty of Titan into the great disaster.

Eventually,  Selene was compelled to accept her punishment. No one can escape by the curse of the great king of the Titan. In the end, her soul was submerged for ages into the ocean’s deepest core. Her soulless celestial body was drifting through space. It was the moon that we all see in the sky.

And you were already informed by the guardian angles, that somebody had broke the sacred jar and let your soul came back to live once more.”

That old man cleared his throat.

“So I guess, you finally received the answer of your question”

“I spoke a lot. Now my throat is hurting.”  He said.

Well,  the child’s story wasn’t believable at all. And I was stunned and all puzzled by whatever I just heard. So I stayed silent. Though curiosity overflowing inside me  and I responded,

“Woahhh….. Is really true? I mean all of it.”

“It looked like, I was in some kind of a movie. Is that all about me or you making me fool?”

But just later, I shook my head in disbelief,  folded my arms and continued,

“I am already going through a lot. Don’t mess with my emotions, you old man. Please.”

“I mean, how can I believe you?”
I turned my head and whispered under my breath.

“Perhaps he is psychotic or I am insane.”

As I whispered, he instantly approached in front of me and said,

“Who knows? Who is fool or insane."

"Recall all of your childhood memories that you had forgotten."

Then he started humming something and began Crip walking after saying that.

Rather than his words, his action was getting on my nerves. I just wanted to ask him why he started dancing when I paid attention to his words and I replied,

“Do I really have purpose? But looked at me. Does divine mistakenly select me? I have doubts. Just looked at me. Did I look like a person with purpose or something?”

I took sigh and continued,

“I mean, I didn’t even take one simple decision. If you give me two options, I literally panic like hell then choosing any option carelessly.”

After revealed an another breakthrough about me. He went on the big rock next to the waterfall and sit there in meditation position. He closed his eyes and ranging the bell by shaking the stick. He replied

“Do you remember the first day at school or the lady in blanket on the street? “

It was bombshell. How does he even know about my childhood and all those incidents?  But the real question was; what’s the special about those incidences? There were many events then why those only?

His answered shocked me. And I was perplexed with his talk then suddenly he spoke,

“Stop concentrating on special moments. Perhaps, there is something specific that you should focus on.”
He continued,

“Try to focus. You will see. What ever you wanted to see.”

I closed my eyes and tried to recall; did anything I missed? Even though I could clearly hear the sound of the bell from the stick was continuously ranging.

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