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A groan escaped from Minji's lips, It's been 2 hours and she's still sleeping. "Minji, wake up." Hanni said shaking the girl's body, she just entered the room and just saw Minji sleeping quietly but she needs to wake her up for something important.

"Minji." Hanni sighed and suddenly slap Minji's cheeks causing the sleeping girl to flinch, she looks at Hanni annoyed she was just sleeping peacefully but someone has just ruined it. 

"What do you want?" Minji said still half awake, she was so tired and she just wants to rest. "We have a meeting later." She simply said, and Minji just nodded her head. "In 5 minutes." She added and that makes Minji wide awake, she quickly stand up and fix her uniform and her hair.

"Okay let's go."

"Come on Ryujin I'm sorry okay." Yena said shaking Ryujin's arms forcing the girl to forgive her, but Ryujin didn't say anything causing Yena to groan. "Hey, I already say sorry."

"What do you want?" Yena added. Ryujin sigh and look at the stupid duck. "I want you and Hari to listen to me." She answered still not forgetting the fight she had with you and Yena she just wants you two to listen to her for once. Because you two are always so stubborn especially you.

"You two always don't listen to me, you just do whatever you want especially Hari. I'm just tired of warning you two and scolding you two because you guys don't LISTEN." Ryujin said shouting the word 'Listen' A little loud for Yena to hear quickly.

"You two just do whatever you want, whatever you think is right. And you two always get into trouble, and whenever I scold you two you guys are the ones who are mad. I'm just tired okay." She said crossing her arms, Yena couldn't answer making Ryujin scoff and walk away.


I watch as the person who asked me where Kazuha walks away, I wonder who is she maybe Kazuha's sister cause they kinda look alike. Or maybe her cousin I don't know they look related, or maybe they just really look alike.

Once I heard the bell ring I started walking away from the garden and back to my class, I don't have any plan to skip classes I'm tired today to go to the rooftop or home. And besides I'm sure I'll be getting scolded, and I'm tired of that.

While walking I walk past the school council office, and I kind heard a familiar voice from inside. It's either Ryujin or...Kazuha, I open the door a little bit trying to not get caught. I took a peek inside and just saw Minji talking to someone while standing, all I can see was Minji, not the person who she is talking to.

I want to know who that person she's talking to.

FOREVER | Kim Minji New JeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora