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"Dani I'm home!" Minji shouted once she entered the living room, she looked around but there was no sight of Danielle. She goes upstairs and checks her room, she twisted the door knob and opens it. Revealing Danielle who is busy eating a bag of potato chips, Minji let out a sigh and lean on the door frame looking at her sister. She's nodding her head. Looks like she's listening to music using her air pods.

Minji chuckles and just left her room, not forgetting to close the door. She entered her room and throw her bag and after that, she flopped onto her bed, she was tired like so so tired. And she suddenly thought of you.

"Yes! That was amazingly fun!" You shouted while exiting the roller coaster ride, you were so happy that you want to smile but you don't want to. While walking Chaewon on the other hand is exhausted, why? Because of the ride. "I know you're a fun person but I think we don't need to ride the roller coaster." She said holding her stomach, she feels like she was about to puke because of so much ice cream she ate.

"Still, it was fun right?" You asked and she just glared at you, annoyingly causing you to smirk. "Okay, I think your last class is about to start in a few minutes you might want to go back."

"Okay, let's go."

"Wait how many minutes?" She asked. You look at your phone screen. "5 minutes."


"I have to go!" She added and run away from you, causing you to smirk. You also run to catch her up. 

"Your too slow." You said and run away, Chaewon look at you running away. "She's so fast." She whispered to herself, and catch up to you but she can't. "Hey!, Choi Hari!" Chaewon shouted and stop from running because she was out of breath, you stop and turn around and saw her looking tired of running. Chaewon looks up at you and she was shocked but at the same time annoyed. 

You don't even look tired you don't look sweaty at all, unlike her she looks like a stress or whatever person. "How come you still look so chill after running." 

"Come on I haven't run that far." You said causing Chaewon to groan. "We are now so far away from the amusement park!"

"Eh, so what?" You simply said. "Are you an athlete then?" She asked because why not. "No, but I do play basketball and baseball but usually basketball just for fun."

FOREVER | Kim Minji New JeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora