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The feeling that we want to feel.

Love is a great nice and amazing feeling, that is the feeling we want to feel the feeling we want to receive. It's just so great to love someone even if it's not romantically, it's just so great that someone loves you. Even better if the person you love feels the same way about you, you'll be so happy because of it I mean who wouldn't right?

Love makes us do silly things we don't know and say things we don't usually say or don't say, we also try to make someone love us by being pretty or being smart or whatever.


Love is not always like that.

Love can be something happy, amazing, or maybe a nice feeling.

Love can be also a reason for you to be sad like you have never been. Why?

Well, you can't expect everyone to like you or love you,  that's the truth and it's painful. Sometimes our lovers can leave us one day breaking our hearts and feelings for them, or maybe the person we love doesn't love us back. That hurt.

Well, we can also hurt someone even unintentionally.

It hurts...

So much.

But that's it we can't do anything anyone can leave you if they want. That's their choice, not your's their life, not yours. Their life is their decision. We can't force them to stay, it will hurt even more. Just let them leave. 

Love is like that.

It's a happy feeling and it's also a painful feeling.

So yeah that's it...

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