"What does that have to do with this?" Denmark asked, earning a nod of agreement from Sweden. Amayeli gave an exaggerated nod as well, they let Emil and Kanata hunt, she didn't understand why her gender made any difference. She was still strong, so why did her being a girl mean she couldn't hunt?

The argument continued, and Amayeli slipped away. She moved to stand near the doorway as she watched her farbror Norway get involved as well. Her Viking family members seemed to agree that she should be able to at least try to hunt, but Mutsi wasn't having any of it. As the fighting continued, a determined look made its home on Amayeli's face and she snuck outside. 

Immediately, Kanata noticed and left the spot where he had been playing with Iceland to follow her. He quickly made it outside and grabbed his sister's arm before she made it past the large building. "What are you doing?" he asked, his brows knit together in worry.

Amayeli shrugged his arm off and stood tall as she turned to face her little brother. "Mutsi doesn't think I can hunt, so I'm going to bring him a bear," she announced with a familiar stubbornness. It was the same thing she had done when the chief of one of her siblings' tribes had doubted her capability. The little stunt had worked then, it had to work now.

Kanata sighed, "Fine, do you want me to cover for you?" His face took on a resigned look, he was already used to his sister's antics and knew it was best just to go along with it.

"Yes, please!" she said, forgetting her hardened expression as she gave her brother a peck on the temple and ran into the woods, waving at him with a smile before disappearing into the trees.

The little girl ran around in the treetops, searching for a bear. Every now and then, she began doing something that greatly confused the spectating nations. She would stop briefly to smell the air before continuing on in a new direction.


"What does she think she is, a little animal?" A sing-song-y voice rang out with condescending amusement. Several glares turned to focus on Russia, the source of the comment.

"It's called using your senses, jackass," Diego retorted, a sharp edge to his raised voice. "Heightened senses are normal in our family, and there's no sense in not using them." Diego's glared at the tall, Russian man as if he were trying to burn into him with his eyes. The Russian was only amused by this, and returned the glare with his usual grin. He was clearly intrigued by everything that was happening, taking the opportunity to learn more about his rival. It was as if everything were a game to him, and it was really starting to piss Diego off.

"So!" Feliciano spoke up, attempting to lessen the tension hanging in the air like a thick smoke making it hard to breathe. "Do you-a guys have really good-a senses too? Are they-a like America's?" The northern Italian brother gestured to the rift. His southern brother elbowed him and muttered curses, but Feliciano ignored him for now.

Maria put her hand on her brother's shoulder, trying to get him to calm down, there was no use in getting into a fight while their big sister was still trapped. She turned to Feliciano, trying not to glare as she bit her lip trying to think of how to word her answer. With her sister gone, she had to be the one to deal with the nations. It's not that her brothers weren't capable of speaking for  them, but it had been agreed a long time ago amongst the four of them that those two were the last ones they would leave the talking to. Between Matthew's social anxiety and Diego's harsh exterior, they had all agreed that she and Amelia were better suited to handle the diplomatic things. "Yes, we do," Maria finally responded, "but they're not quite the same as our sister's. We each have one or two senses that are especially strong, and it's not the same for all of us."

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