"Not like you'll have to worry about your date Stell, I'm sure that Weasley's got his eyes set on you" Oscar says grabbing my hand and putting it in his hair to play with as he closes his eyes, Stella gives me a faux look of betrayal and I flick Oscar on the forehead.

"That kiss was revealed in private Mr captain"

"Good to know you lot are both fake friends" Stella shakes her head in disappointment before turning to Oscar, her tone suddenly serious, "And so what if I go with George? He's nice and he treats me well"

"Yeah except he's George Weasley and he's related to Fred Weasley and the both of them are unbearable and I hate to see you two be friends with them let alone date them" Oscar sighs dramatically splaying his hand against his forehead in despair, Stella mumbles something under her breath in annoyance.

I flick him again.

"You need to control your violent tendencies Vivienne-"

He's cut off by another flick.

"Alright well that still leaves Vivienne dateless" Stella states and I let out a breath of amusement at her words. "Honestly Stella if you were a true friend and cousin you'd forget about George and you two could go together so I don't have to worry about either of you being shackled by Weasleys-"

He's cut off by Stella throwing her sweater at him.

"I'm sure Vivienne will have no problem finding a suitor..." Stella laughs under her breath as Viktor Krum walks by with a smile and nods his head at me, I manage to smile back before Oscar sits up to looks at who Stella is talking about and Stella somehow manages to throw another sweater at Oscar's face before he has the chance to glare at Viktor.

Before Oscar can say anything Fred comes up to us, "Weasley, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Oscar asks sarcastically as he stands up and Fred smiles just as sarcastically, "Just wanted to see your pretty face Scammander"

"When will you two stop acting like you hate each other and kiss?" Stella sighs as she reaches out for Fred's hand to help her stand up, "You're so right Stell, I'm actually in love with Fred Weasley" Oscar says with a hand on his heart and false affection as he looks at Fred.

"Oscar you should have told me!" Fred pouts as puts his hand on Oscar's shoulder to comfort him and I can't help but shake my head at their actions. "It was so hard to lie to you all this time-"

"Alright pack it up boys we all have classes to be at" I laugh as I stand up and they both turn to me. "Is that...Jealousy in your tone? Could it be? Has this true love story turned into a love triangle?" Oscar recites dramatically and somehow Stella manages to throw another sweater at him.


It was a few days after the names for the tournament were chosen when Oscar comes up to Stella and I in the Slytherin common room with a grin on his face, "Hello my lovely ladies"

"Who's throwing a party Oscar?" Stella asks uninterested as she flips through her book and I hold back a laugh as Oscar's grin drops, "How did you know?"

"That grin screams 'i'm going to get shitfaced and laid'" She explains and he rolls his eyes before sitting down beside me on couch me and Stella were on, "To answer your question it's the sixth year Gryffindors, it's tomorrow night and we were invited and neither of you can back out"

"Actually, I won't back out. Id in fact, love to go" I state as I sit up a bit straighter and this makes Stella put her book down and join Oscar in looking at me like i've grown a second head. I shrug, "What? I want to...step out of my comfort zone this year"

"Alright well, okay that's, I mean-"

"I think what Oscar is trying to say Viv, is that's great and we both support you" Stella says and I smile at her, her words putting me at ease. "Yeah but like how far out of your comfort zone? There's like have a few drinks kind of area and then there's like black out drunk kind of area you know?" Oscar's father mode has been turned on and I sigh dramatically as Stella rolls her eyes and picks her book up again, the conversation of little interest to her now.

"I'll be stepping into the wherever the night takes me area, and i'll do it comfortably knowing I have my wonderful six foot four bodyguard standing within five feet of me the entire night" I say, patting Oscar's thigh and I almost feel Stella roll her eyes at my words, her annoyance at Oscar's unnecessary overbearing attitude towards me clear.

"That's great to hear" Oscar grins, ignoring Stella's attitude and wrapping an arm around me. We fall into a silence as I pick up my own book and I read a few lines before suddenly blurting, "I want to try smoking weed"

"Bloody hell Vivienne lower your voice" Oscar semi groans and Stella bites back a smile at my outburst,

"Sorry! I just...really do want to try it" I say sheepishly. Oscar looks down at me for a moment and looks at Stella who I don't even have to look at to know she's giving him a look that says, 'say no, i dare you'.

"Yeah okay alright if i can find some, you can try it"


i have big things planned for this fic and i cannot wait 🤭 thank u for reading so far and I hope I do all the friends to lovers fans justice considering this is the first friends to lovers fanfic i write. anywayssss next chapter will be steamy so i can't wait for u all to read it <3

- heba

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