Pt 9: I Want Her

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(This pt pretty smutty)

Soap's POV:
The party had final ended, and I was stuck cleaning everything. I didn't mind all that much, I like cleaning. It's kinda nice. But this mess was huge, damn...
I heard the elevator open, but I ignored it. I thought it was just some drunk person leaving their room, but I was very, very wrong.

"Hey, Soap!"

A rather loud but welcomed voice said from behind me. I turned around joyfully.

"Mic! H-hi."

My face went red very fast, and it seems mic noticed this.

"Jeez, you're red. All this work must be tiring... you could come stay with me in my room!"

But all I could let out was:


Mic looked at me in confusion.

"If you are having a stroke, just tell me, I can drive you to the hospital."

I shake my head violently.

"N-never mind. Uhm... I would love to hang out!"

I smiled. She grinned and took my hand, leading me to the elevator. I blushed as she held my hand. Her palm was so warm. As we entered the elevator, I couldn't help but look her up and down. Only then did my dumbest realize she was only in a house-coat. I turned bright red with blush and kept my eyes front, doing everything to avoid eye contact. The elevator came to a hault, and with a Ding, the door opened. She walked out into the hall as I followed like a dog. As we slowly approached her room, I began to get nervous, and my mind started racing.
"What is she planning to do with me? What if I mess up?! What if- wait! I know how to be more confident! I'll just imagine her without her clothes on! It works in the movies."
I began to imagine that and then immediately tried to stop.
Suddenly, as I finally removed myself from my mind, Mic opened the door, and I was in her room.

"Here it is!" Mic said, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back."

I watched as she left, and I began examining the room. It was very dark with records decorating the walls. Her room was definitely dark and grim, but in a very lived-in way. A way that felt nice...
I sat down on her bed and blushed. She came out with a bottle of wine in hand and two glasses.

"Here, soap you've had a rough night."

Her smile was sweet and genuine as she poured the wine in the glasses. She sat down with me and handed me one, but I couldn't drink it. I just stared at it.

"Soap? What's wrong-"

The wine glass crashed on the floor, the shards going everywhere in the carpet. The second glass fell as the wine stained her carpet like blood. I don't know what made me do it, but I kissed her. I kissed Mic. Even if it didn't last long, it lingered. When I was near her, I smelled her perfume. Her fragrance was musky and thick, which clashed with my light flowery scent. Her blackcherry lip-gloss sweetened the kiss and only made it better. I pulled away, and she looked at me.

"I-I-I'm sorry I-I should've asked first, I-"

Within a second, her lips crashed into mine. Through my shock, I returned the kiss. She pulled me in by the waist and squeezed my thigh.

(For context idk if this is humanized or nah. use your imagination! /ref)

I whimpered slightly and began grinding against her whilst moaning. She noticed this and smiled.
Her head made its way down to my crotch. She looked up at me.

"May I?"

I slowly nod while blushing. She slowly began to strip me while keeping eye contact. When she was finished, I was completely in the nude. She got off the bed and stripped. I looked her perfect body up and down while blushing.



"I want you."


Paintbrush's POV:
(They consented beforehand!)
Red and I basically slammed the door of my room in as we made out. I pushed her onto the bed while kissing her neck, stripping her down. She moaned and called out my name. I bit my lip while fondling her, exploring her body. She sat up and sucked on my neck. It felt like we were racing, speeding through an intersection. We were going so fast, and damn... I loved it. She sucked my neck, the pleasure became too much, and I let out something I wish I hadn't.


I moaned out. I immediately clasped my hands over my mouth. Red pulled away and looked at me in shock and disgust, I don't blame her.

"R-red I-"

"Who is Lightbulb?! What the hell-"

"I can explain! I-it just slipped out, I don't even like her!"

"Her!? So why were you moaning her damn name!?"

I started to imagine Red Wine as Lightbulb, I couldn't help but try to kiss her. (Meth kicking in?) But I snapped out of it when Red Wine slapped me.

"Ew! I don't want to do this now!"

She began to get dressed while still inraged.

"Red wait, you don't understand-"

She slammed the door shut, storming off. Fuck... I fucked it all up... I hurt Lightbulb and Red Wine...
I hate myself for liking Lightbulb...

Lightbulb's POV:
I open Paintbrush's hotel room, since I hed a key ever since we began sharing it. I just wanted to get something, my bag of stuff. I was gonna stay away for a bit. I had waited a while to make sure the two were done, but when I entered a much different sight awaited me. Paintbrush passed out on the bed shirtless, with wine bottles all around them.

"...Damn it..."

I knew what I had to do. When I was young I would care for my mother when she got like this, so I knew the drill. I cleaned up the room and took Paintbrush out of their fancy pants, leaving their underwear on. I poured them a glass of water for when they woke up, leaving it on the side table, and shut off the lights. I grabbed my stuff and was just about to leave when...


A weak voice said from behind me.
I sighed.

"Yes, Paintbrush?"

"...I'm so sorry... please... don't go... I want you to stay..."

They were clearly in a drunken haze, spitting bullshit.

"Paintbrush, I'm not-"

I then heard them crying... for the first time.

"I-I messed up... I just w-wanted... to feel... loved... I h-hate it here... I hate-"

I hugged them tenderly.

"I'll stay the night... for you..."

They cried in appreciation, or maybe in joy? I'm not sure. But it wasn't sad tears. I crawled into bed next to them and got cuddly.



"I'm gonna m-make it up to you... I promise."


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