"...It's the biter. Multiple G.S.W.s to the chest. B.P. 90 over 60. Pulse in the 120s" the paramedic says wheeling in another patient

"He's on something. How is this guy stable? He's got two bullet holes over his heart" Leah exclaims

"Cops shot him before he ate that other guy's whole face off. And he got 4 of lorazepam. Barely slowed him down" the paramedic says

"I want him sedated now. Push 2 of lorazepam and 5 of haldol" April says

"This guy should not be alive" Madelyn says

"Guys, I can barely hear his heart" Leah says as she tries again to listen to his heart beat, Suddenly, the man opens his eyes, grabs Leah and bites her neck eliciting a loud scream from the intern


"He didn't die. They shot him in the heart twice, and he didn't die. I thought he was just crazy. He was just crazy. Then why didn't he die?!" Victor asks as Madelyn treats his bite wound

"I've got a needle right next to your face. I need you to calm it down, okay?" Madelyn says

"Is there any pain elsewhere?" April asks

"It's just sore. And stiff. Oh, my God. Is this rigor mortis?" Victor panics

"Victor, zombies aren't real. We know this, right?" April asks

"You. You should... qua-quarantine..." the patient says

"Victor, squeeze my hand. Did you hit your head when he attacked you?" April asks

"You should quarantine..."

"Can you smile for me?" Madelyn asks the man "Uh... No, he's having a stroke"

"There's pulsatile mass. Could be damage to the carotid. Maybe a pseudoaneurysm" April says

Madelyn nods "All right, get the ultrasound. I'm gonna book an O.R"


"That's one jacked up carotid" April says

Madelyn nods "Yeah, let's go ahead and prep the synthetic graft" for when plastics arrive

"Okay" the nurse replies

"It's yours, Dr. Shepherd" another nurse says as a phone bows off ... from Ella?. She wants to know if she can come over tonight?"

"That's, like, your 15th text from the 15th person" April says

"I'm a busy woman" Madelyn replies "Tell her not to call, because i'm not free tonight, but i'll make it up to her soon... You know what? And tell her that she's beautiful"

April scoffs "Who are you? You were never that nice to me"

"Actually I was nicer, you just never bothered to notice" Madelyn scoffs but realises this is her opportunity to bite back "Is Matthew that nice to you?" she asks

"What?" April questions "Oh-yeah, yeah of course"

"Uh-huh" Madelyn hums "You do know you're beautiful, right?" she asks the redhead

April cheeks burn bright red "I-Um, thank-thank you" she replies awkwardly making Madelyn grin underneath her mask


After surgery Madelyn left April with Jackson who helped fix Victors face so she could get to Mer's on time

Madelyn holds baby Bailey who's dressed up as a pumpkin
"Hey! You made it" Mer exclaims when she sees Madelyn

"Callie made me" Madelyn replies handing the baby over to Mer and walking over to Sofia who's dressed as a space princess

"How's my favourite space princess doing?" she asks the little girl as she picks her up and spins her aprons eliciting small squeals from Sofia "And there's my favourite butterfly" Madelyn says as she tickles an already giggling Zola

"Who's ready to go trick-or-treating?" Arizona asks
the kids excitedly

"Time for blast-off! Whoo-hoo-hoo!" Madelyn says picking up Sofia in one arm and Zola in the other putting them both down at the door and taking ahold of both girls hands as they start their adventure

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now