Chapter 18: Ironhenge Defensive

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     Prince Darius was continuing to have his lavish parties while squatting in queen Ariana's palace with his belligerent Valkyries having a degenerate orgy with the Nymphs of her queendom. What more should one expect from a prince who subconsciously carried the values of the Valkyries who lived only for spoils of war and conquest? And with all the orgies, prince Darius contracted a few STDs from his 69 Elvish, Selenese, and Nymph concubines. But despite all his hedonistic pleasures that made Inari's "palace of hedonism" look tame in comparison, he never once violated queen Ariana considering her too precious to treat as an object of desire. After all, so long as she was still the figurehead of the Selenese Empire, the population was far less likely to revolt if she remained alive and in good health. Plus, there was also the danger that she could transform into a werewolf at will and rip Darius's limbs off with her Moonslayer magic fully charged on the night of a full moon.

     So, to ensure she couldn't transform into a werewolf on a full moon, she had her drinking water replaced with dragon milk and modified the windows of her private chamber to not let in any moonlight. After all, despite dragon milk being a luxury beverage with magical properties, with lightning dragon milk being an extremely potent energy drink, it could also be used to weaken the magical abilities of those who possessed them. And so that's what prince Darius did knowing he had no resistance to magic nor could use magic himself. Prince Darius then mocked queen Ariana saying, "You're not so strong without your magic are you. You're so pathetic with your emotionality and feminine body. This kingdom deserves to be run by strong and rational men such as myself, not you weak and emotional women."

     One of prince Darius's advisors then walked in on the spectacle of the deformed Darius mocking the queen of the Selenese Empire, he said, "When you are done making fun of the queen of your conquered kingdom and having your Nymph concubines suck you off, there is a matter that demands your immediate attention."

     Darius then finished his session of hedonism exploiting his Nymph concubines and got dressed into some clothes to join his advisor. Darius then asked him, "What is the point of this session, and why is it important enough to interrupt my sexual rapture? This better be pretty damn important or I'm having you surgically transitioned into a woman against your will."

    Darius's advisor then pulled out a bunch of charts and graphs and a summary of them while clearing his throat. The advisor then said to Darius, "While you were busy having your lavish parties and spoiling yourself, the former Confederacy of South Selene has almost made Ironhenge fully operational. With that superweapon's track record, your space and air forces will be gone in an hour. Not only that, but the province of Amazonia has completely overhauled its obsolete Communist era forces and can now put up an equal fight thanks to the Tanukis, Kitsunes, and Szolsurans. And if you allow Ironhenge to be brought back online, the minimum safe distance for your Andrew Jackson class dreadnaughts is on the other side of the planet."

     Darius then went silent giving a deadly cold stare in the eyes of his Valkyrie advisor. Darius then spoke without a hint of emotion in his voice, "I guess I won't have to turn you into a woman after all. I will have Ironhenge destroyed by the end of the week. Meanwhile, if these lesser beings try to destroy my dreadnaughts, I'll have them set their crash course towards every population center in the kingdom."

    Darius then returned to taunting queen Ariana, "So you thought you could outsmart me with your little diplomacy. How pathetic. Hurt me, and it will be the end of your kingdom."


Second Battle of Ironhenge

    Because of Fennec, Glacia, and Ferrucyon having already been trained by Yako a few months ago and were already aces in the Selenese Civil War on the side of the Confederacy, they were immediately stationed to protect Ironhenge while the upgrades were still under construction. And while flying patrols in their refined KCAS-21 Coonhounds, Ferrucyon commented, "It's a strange feeling coming back to this place. You know... the place that Tanuki shot us all out of the sky except for Fennec."

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