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"No chicken?"

"No chicken."

"I know you like shrimp."

"You know I do"

"But you're allergic to it."

"I'm allergic to it" I nodded.

"So that means we'll be having stake for tonight." Cairo laughed cheerfully, holding my hands as we're going inside the restaurant.

The waiter led us to a table where we can settle ourselves and gave us the menu to order.

"I want shrimp, Cai" I pleaded while looking at him.

"But you'll get those itchy red marks all over you, you don't want to suffer, right?" He knew how I love shrimp but I always hated the consequences of eating one so before I would regret my decision, he's trying to stop me from doing a bad decision.

"But you can just buy me medicine, I know the nearest pharmacy hear isn't really that near but can you please let me just this once? I've been craving for them since I finished college." I pouted, cringing after I did.

"Fine" he gave in.

"We'll have one serving of the garlic butter shrimp, one medium rare steak, and for the drink, we'll have an iced tea." He stated at the waitress. "Andrea, what do you want for dessert?" He asked, eyes trailing from the menu and at me.

I leaned over to him. "Would it kill me if I wanted you for dessert?"

"I'll have the fruit salad please" I told both Cairo and the waitress. Cairo was still a bit shocked from what I said but I could tell he was trying to hide the surprise look on his face. He ordered his milkshake with ice cream and we waited for our order to arrive. I could tell he was still trying to process what I had just said and tried to avoided talking.

"So..." I stated breaking the awkward silence.

"La?" Cairo answered and I giggled.

"Hey, I just wanna thank you" I stopped giggling and looked at him with seriousness. 

"For what? I should be the one thanking you, you know." He smiled.

"Just grateful you accompanied me here when my boyfriend left me there." I wasn't sad about my boyfriend leaving me alone in the room. I was sad that Cairo's first instinct was to look for me and make sure I was safe and fine. He gives me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high. It's not right. It gets me feeling things I shouldn't be feeling.

"I still think you're an idiot by the way." I quickly added.

He laughed. "In that case, I should thank you too for not killing me." He knew I would've killed him if I wanted to.

"Trust me, I've always wanted to do that, I just have a very strong resistance." I replied.

The waitress brought us our orders quickly and I made a mental note to tip him big since it's late at night and we're literally the last costumer since the costumer before us left the restaurant just as we sat down.

"Thank you" I hummed at her and she smiled at us. "Enjoy your date Ma'am and Sir"


"Will do" I sang to her.

"I'm paying this time, Cai. You can't stop me" he completely ignored me and started digging.

There was a comforting silence as we sat and ate our food and when it was time to eat our desserts, I wanted to taste Cairo's which had ice cream on top of it. Just like any other girls, I wanted to ask him to have a taste. Just like any other girls, I wanted him to say yes. Just like any other girls, I wanted him. And just like what always happens, I asked him if I can have a taste of the ice cream. Just like what always happens, he lets me. Just like what always happens, he's happy that I'm happy.

— Cairo's pov —

I see spark's fly when I see her smile. I started living again the moment we reunited. I knew I wanted to give her eternal happiness the moment I saw her, when we were kids. But just like what I always do, I ruin everything. I ruin everything that's good for me. I ruin everything that makes me happy. I ruined her. And nothing in the world would ever make me forgive myself for doing what I did a long time ago. Nothing in the world would make me believe I'm innocent for what I did. Not unless she does, which will be hard. She's always avoided the topic and I would do everything not to ruin our moment, not to pop this bubble keeping us safe from all the doubts that we both have.

While she was eating my dessert and giving me the leftover orange and blueberry from her fruit salad. I knew she wouldn't eat those. I knew she would ask for my ice cream. I knew she wants ice cream, it's her favorite. So I ordered it, not for me, but for her.

I signed for the waitress to give us the bill while Andrea wasn't looking. As soon as the waitress gave the bill, I took out some bills from my wallet with an extra $100 for tip and quickly set it aside. Andrea saw me and gave me a knowing glare.

"I was going to pay, I swear" she told the waitress. The waitress laughed and told us she hoped we had a great evening and walked away.

"Did you tip her? She was nice" Andrea looked up at me.

"I did, just a couple dollars, just enough." I say while grabbing a napkin and wiping the ice cream from her lips.

"You eat like a baby." I laughed.

"I was once your baby" she joked while standing up.

Yeah, you were once mine. And you still would've been mine if I wasn't an asshole.

She hooked her arm on mine as we walked to the car.

"Now for my medicine" she laughed.

So fucking cute, Andrea.

I just want to put her in my pocket and keep her safe. There, I'll be sure that she's not in any pain. I'm afraid that's impossible, so until it's impossible, I'll do everything in my power to keep her happy and safe from the cruel world.

And from my cruel self.

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