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— Cairo's pov —

Mumbling some incoherent words about a specific person, her eyes were focused on mine. She keeps ranting how much of a dick John was for making her think she had fallen in love with him and makes promises that are truthfully impossible yet she still believed he wouldn't break them. In her defense, John made a pinky promise and nobody, not even my dead father would break a pinky promise. God, I already hate John from the moment she told me he was her now ex-boyfriend. She explains she was just infatuated but someone had told her that John was a pediatrician now. She told me she wants to kill John but, not for any stupid reasons. No, she wouldn't kill someone for a stupid reason. Turns out, John is a pedophile and he takes pictures of her patients naked and unconsented. Even if they gave him an approval, that wouldn't justify his actions.

"Cairo, are you even listening to me?" she asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, John's a dick and you want to kill him because he broke all his 'pinky promises' and made you think you fell in love with him but, you were just infatuated" I teased her knowing this will cause an argument from the both of us. I knew her reasons.

I knew her.

"Fuck off, Cairo. You are free to leave if you won't give me your attention and listen to me." She furiously mumbled.

"I'm kidding, Drey."  Hugging her would at least calm her nerves, so I did. "Where does this dickhead works and lives?" I asked her with a serious tone after breaking the embrace before she could even do so.

She looked at me with wide eyes. "That hospital" she pointed at the building in front of us. "And the apartment behind the hospital" she smiled. More like a grin if you'd ask me.

"Shall we, my lady?" Holding my hands out for her to hold, I smiled.

"Fuck off, Cairo. I'm not roleplaying this shit again" she held my hand while laughing.

It was hard for her to ask the hospital about John's schedule and when he'll be heading home but, luckily, I knew someone that worked at the hospital and she kindly told us when John will be home and where he is right now. It was actually very sweet of her to help us and I appreciate it. On the other hand, Andrea was shooting some death glares unto her direction.

"That was very unprofessional of her" she muttered quietly.

"We should be grateful she helped us, Andrea. And with nothing in return if I might add."

"Didn't know flirting was a new way to help. And she's flirting while working if I might add." she scoffed.


"Were you jealous?" I asked while grinning.

She looked at me with an unbelievable expression. "Ew? Why the fuck would I be? That's just straight up disgusting, Cairo" she slowly ran outside the building while hugging her body.

"We need a plan if you want to kill this guy" I said as I opened the car door for her to get in. We got inside the car and we had a serious discussion on what we should do.

"You know what, what if I don't want to kill him right at this moment?" She asked while looking at me.

"What do you mean? I'm down for anything to be honest. I trust you'll let me witness this 'historical moment' you've been bragging" I teased.

"I'll get straight to the point because you sound like a mad in love boyfriend and you're not even my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Well, I can be your boyfriend." I smirked at her.

She was a blushing mess. She looks so beautiful.

"Shut up. Well, I wanted to dig some dirt about him then expose him anonymously and shit and then we'll follow him after embarrassing him then we can kill him, hell, even torture him then make it look like a suicide." She explains not daring to look me in the eyes.

"Wow, you really are something else, Andrea. Didn't know you were this smart." Look at me, Andrea, please.

"Excuse me?!" She shouted while looking at me with an offended look. There she is.

We drove back to my apartment while she was still infuriated. She kept complaining about what I had said earlier saying she was always smart but I never paid attention to her.

No, Andrea. I paid attention to you. I know every small details about you. Every habit you have and every phobia you have. I know everything you like and dislike. I knew every facial expression you have on your face whenever you feel a certain type of emotion. I knew you.

5 minutes before we reach my apartment, she went silent. I slowed down and took a glance at her and saw her in a deep slumber. She looks so beautiful.

We reach my apartment and I decided to just carry her up to my room because I would never let her go home. At least, not in this state where she's so tired and she'll probably not let me drive her. Besides, I don't even know where she lives.

I put her down my soft mattress and laid beside her admiring the work of art she is. Ah, no, she's not a work of art, she's the art herself. I don't even know if that makes sense but I just can't explain how beautiful she is with her. I couldn't explain. She's an enigma to me yet I keep craving for her looks. I think I might be obsessed with her.

Andrea swiftly moved and cuddled me, snuggling on my chest while mumbling "you smell and feel so good, I feel so comfortable"

"Good night, Andrea" I cuddled her and drifted to sleep.

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