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— 07:30 — University —

"Good morning, everyone. This is the first day of college and I am professor Jones and I will be your professor for biological psychology-lecture or BIOLPSY. I'd like to tell you that here in college, you won't need to do introductions like high schoolers, but I'm telling you, you need to socialize and talk to everyone. What we need in this class is communication, if something's bothering you or you want to address something, you can freely tell the whole class or directly tell me, whichever way is convenient to you." the professor announced.

Class introductions was like a battle to her. All eyes were on her the moment she opens her lips and she thought of nothing but the judgement of the people staring at her. Especially the impression of the teacher.

After the class, she went to the cafeteria to grab lunch. She hasn't made any friends yet to cling onto her like any friend would but she sure has interacted with a lot of her classmates or even strangers that aren't in the same class as her.

As she was walking, a guy suddenly stopped her. "Hey, I uh, I'm William, please stay away from Cairo." the guy stated.

She was beyond shocked. What the fuck just happened? I thought this was going to be a friendly day. She thought to herself.

"Excuse me, but I don't remember meeting someone named "Cairo"?"

She in fact have met someone named Cairo when she was younger. They not only met but also fell in love until they didn't.

"But I can assure you I won't go after that guy. At least not in a romantic way but I can beat the crap out of this guy right here, right now if he ever disrespects me or offend me in any way." She said furiously.

"Beat the crap out of me, huh?" A voice said from behind her. It was a familiar voice. A voice she'd always wanted to hear but also wanted to get rid of.

Andrea looked back and she saw the guy.

"Don't be so shocked, darling. I know I'm charming. I'm the "Cairo" you've been shit-talking by the way"

"Nuh-uh, I wasn't talking shit about you, I was saying that because this guy came out of nowhere and said such weird things." she said and stormed off.

"Is she really that girl?" The guy asked Cairo.

"That's her. Andrea" Cairo stated and smiled.

— Cairo's POV —

After school, me and my friend William are walking to go to our shared apartment. I can't seem to forget about what happened today. Flashbacks kept replaying. It's been so long. I mean, I did see her like a couple weeks, I think? In the library, it all started in that library.

Me and William was just casually lazing around like some high school boys. We were watching a movie, not that we both were bothered to even look at the tv. We were busy looking at our devices.

My phone suddenly rang and I excused myself to go to my room to have some privacy after I read the caller id. "What do you need?" I asked at the other side of the line. "Boss, your butler wanted to discuss something to you. Said it was urgent. Didn't know what it was about but I think it's a big deal." The caller said. "Mhm, I see. Tell him we'll meet at the headquarters. I'll be there in 10." I answered and before the caller could even reply, I hang up and got dressed. I went to an abandoned house where I usually park my car. I got in my car and drove off to the headquarters.

— at the headquarters —

"Cairo" our butler greeted me with a smile.

Ooh, that devilish smile. I could predict something bad or good will happen, but either way, he'll be happy.

"Jim" was all I could say. I wanted to ask him so many questions but I can't bring myself to say anything.

"Look, Cai, this might not be the greatest time to talk about this but we need to talk about it. Right here, right now" he stated, eyes filled with sincerity.

"Fine" I forfeit. I knew this time was going to come. I just hadn't thought about it much.

"She's in the meeting room. As I told you, we've been in contact for 3 months now. I want her to become a consigliere, Cai" he said as he released a sigh.

"Jim, what about you?" I asked with worry.

"Cai, you and I both know she deserves this. More than this, actually. Besides, I could always be someone you look up to."

"Can I see her? I've been dying to talk properly to her for years, please?" I pleaded, desperately.

"As you wish" Jim states with a smile plastered on his face.

Knock knock.

As I opened the door to the meeting room, I was met with a gun pointed on my forehead.

What the fuck? What the actual fuck is happening?

I looked at her, madness painted on her face but god was she so beautiful even when she's angry.

"Is that any way to greet your boss, Andrea?" I asked with a calm tone. I knew she was angry with me—I know she is angry with me but I just know she wouldn't dare shoot me. At least, not after we found each other after 5 years. I deserve to explain myself, and she knows that.

Withdrawing her gun, she put on the fakest smile she could make. The one she always puts on whenever she would pretend that she had forgiven me after a minor argument about food. But this one's different, a different argument. Things will go down if I would keep the tough, cold guy act and I can't afford losing her again.

"Sorry, boss. I just had the random urge to kill the most idiotic person in this whole entire universe" she smiled. "Should I get on my knees and ask for your forgiveness or just ask some girl to get on their knees and suck you off?" She stated that with pure sarcasm but I was not getting it. How can she think of me that poorly.

"Fuck off, don't tempt me" I was infuriated. Hell, who wouldn't be?

"Oh, did I struck a nerve there? Perhaps you'll highly appreciate it if I bring a certain someone to suck you off? Will that help?" She asked again. This time, my patience was gone.

"Andrea, will you shut the fuck up and let us talk to this in a strictly professional way?!" I shouted. She was shocked. I really was expecting her to be shocked but how I wish I didn't do it. If only I could take it back.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for shouting. I know you hate it." I stated calmly.

I really am sorry, Andrea. But not just for shouting. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not being by your side after all those shitty promises. Let's be friends again, yeah? Until we both fall in love and shit? Come back, be here...? I missed you... so much that it fucking hurts seeing you hate me.

"Let's talk business. That's what we're here for anyway" she stated, head down not daring to look at me.

Look at me, Andrea. I missed your eyes. Your eyes that once had hope. I missed every single day you look at me with those loving eyes. Your eyes that gave me hope. I'm fucking sorry for destroying everything we've created — you've created.

"Okay" I answered pretending to be unbothered.

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