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— at the headquarters —

"I suppose you know where the dining area is, correct?" Cairo asked me.

"Nope" I answered honestly, clinging onto his arms.

He was shocked.

Bet you didn't expect me to hold you.

"Right. Just follow me." He brushed it off pretending nothing happened.

We walked to the dining area with me still clinging onto his arms. I honestly kinda enjoyed it. Just a wee-bit though.

"Wait, I need to go somewhere. Stay here and find a seat." He said before leaving me.

Oh god. There was a lot... I mean a lot of people there. People that are probably unaware of the fact that I'm the consigliere. Most of them were men. It's rare to find women in this business these days. I saw some women, maybe 5 or 6 of them gathering and gossiping something.

I walked over to a big chair at the end of the big table.

I remember my father sitting in on this exact place. At the end of the  table with a big fancy chair. I think it has some meanings on it since no one dares to sit on it.

I didn't think twice before sitting down on the chair. Everyone looked at me with big eyes.

"Excuse me, Ms. but, only the boss sits there." Some tall dude told me. Yes, he's tall and I felt intimidated.

I stared at him, not bothering to stand up. I was about to say something but the moment I opened my mouth, Cairo said something to the guy loudly.

"Let her be." he said loud enough for the whole room to hear. It was not a request, it was rather a command. His tone was strict. He sat down to the chair beside me and everyone's mouth was left agape.

After dinner, we head out to go shopping as promised and Cairo insisted for us to take his benz after I told him not to or else we'll be the center of attention according to my instincts. Of course I wanted to be the center of attention but not with me wearing this school uniform while he's wearing a tux. He'll look like my sugar daddy and I'll be the gold digger. Except, he's young and handsome. On the other hand, me, I look like a slutty high school girl with these ripped uniform I wore at dinner after getting into a fight after school with some dudes.

As we went inside the store, I looked over to some dresses that are probably worth thousands—no, ten thousands and higher. I was looking for a specific dress that I can wear for some crazy assassination shit I've been planning to tell him. There's a 50-50 chance he'll approve to it but hey, it's me, I would never take "no" as an answer. I take after men. They wouldn't take a no for an answer but the moment you accuse them of rape, they're gonna be accusing you, turning the tables and saying shit like "you asked for it" or "you liked it" and of course, because they're men, people would believe them.

Shit happens, and so does men.

A black, short, skin-tight dress caught my attention from across the room. Perfect.

As I was walking to get the dress in the mannequin, a man wearing a tuxedo with some fancy shoes and whatnots, probably the manager there? Came to approach us.

"Erm, sir, I'm the manager here. Is this girl, perhaps, your girlfriend?" The man asked. While touching my shoulder. He had rough hands.

Hell yeah, I was right. He was the manager. A grumpy-faced one though.

"His face looks quite grotesque" Cairo pushed the manager's hands away from me gently, trying to be respectful and I hid behind him when they're both standing face to face.

"Do you have any problems?" Cairo asked as he held my waist so I was standing next to him.

"Well, is there any special occasion or such? I can recommend some nice dress that would definitely fit her style" the manager spoke sweetly.

"There is, actually. And that dress is perfect for it." Cairo stated with a smile. A forced, satire one.

"But sir, I don't think it's appropriate for your girlfriend to be wearing this short dress. I can give you a longer one if you want. I'm doing this for your sake, sir. You don't want your girlfriend having some unwanted attention from other guys."

"It's not my fault if they don't keep their eyes away from me. Might as well just don't exist so they don't get to witness my existence" I defended, catching both of their attention. Go fuck yourself, dude. Why display and put the dress on for sale if you don't want anyone wearing it.

"Calm down" Cairo whispered while caressing the base of my back.

"We're buying the dress." Cairo stated calmly while getting the dress from the guy's hand and heading to pay it. I was about to pull my purse but he's already have his black card out, paying for my dress. The dress he doesn't even know what I'll do with. Yet he still bought it and fought for it. He's an idiot.

"You're an idiot, do you know that?" I asked him with a giggle while he was driving us back to his apartment. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thighs.

Damn those veiny hands of yours.

I didn't realize I was staring at him. Checking him out for a hot minute when he suddenly hit the breaks.

"You should take a picture." Cairo's eyes fixated on me while his hands cups my cheeks.

"I was actually meaning to tell you something" I said brushing his hands off my face.

He looked at me softly. "What is it?" He mumbled sweetly while staring at me.

"I'm actually planning to kill someone tonight. That's what the dress is for. Wanna witness a historical moment?" I grinned at him. I knew he would like it if I invited him.

"Didn't even have to ask. Where to?" He asked, hands gripping on the steering wheel, eyes now fixated on the road.

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