Kunimitsu Tezuka - Sick

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The character and reader will be in High School in this chapter.


An unpleasant sensation caused discomfort to her wholeness.

Something within her head almost feels like it's near splitting, a blockage urging to leap out of her lungs, and the hot temperature crawling through her skin.

Subsequent coughs emerged from her as she cover her mouth, sighing in relief as it ceased.

Meanwhile, a stoic male settled beside her, keeping an eye on her gingerly. He was diligent as ever, considering his beloved girlfriend who's currently suffering on her bed... sick yet still managing.

"Ngh... Kunimitsu...?" She grumbled. The apparent quiver made Tezuka pull a blanket to warm her up, but her reaction contrasted with how he expected her to react.

"Kunimitsu... hot..."

He sighs, tugging the blanket down to her legs, covering half of her body. She continued grunting, beads of sweat forming on her face.

Albeit not knowing what to do, he maintained his composure, his large hands cupping her face.

"(Name)? Is there something you need?" The tennis player asks, a tinge of concern staining his usual inexpressive voice.

Receiving no answer didn't bother him quite a bit, instead, he took it as a sign that she was beginning to feel unwell again.

He pressed his hand on her face, determining her temperature, and to his expectance, her temperature is drastically increasing.

Tezuka swiped a thermometer on her nightstand, thrusting it in her armpits before he enters the bathroom to dampen a towel with lukewarm water.

Returning back, the thermometer beeped as he immediately checked it, noticing her temperature hasn't lowered, and remained stagnant from 37°C between 39°C.

A sigh elicits from his mouth, now pressing the towel on her forehead, hoping to lessen her temperature.

Her breathing was quick, and her continuous squirming made Tezuka struggle to keep the towel steady.

Yet no complaints left his mouth. He was eager to take care of his girl.

He continued the process, tapping her face with the soaked towel, and to his relief, he was able to keep her temperature back at 36°C.

He was restless, but he knew no one will take care of her. Her parents left for a one-week business trip. He was not tasked to take care of her-rather, he desired to do so.

Perhaps this serves as the reciprocation of her affection. He was never not an affectionate one after all, for what? He wasn't sure himself either. It's just not his nature to be showy and merely convey her love for her through other actions instead of physical affection and words of affirmation.

Anyhow, there are several love languages he prefers, but not those two mentioned earlier.

Maybe occasionally.


"Yes? Do you need something? Food? Medicine?"

"Can I take some medicine?"

He sighs, approaching her mini drawer containing a myriad of medicines. He rummaged through the jumbles of pills, eventually spotting a medicine for her sickness.

"(Name), you have to eat something first."

(Name), who doesn't want to burden her boyfriend more, just obliged and grabs the porridge that was prepared for her beforehand.

The porridge was almost cold, but she scooped a spoonful of the soft food, bringing it into her mouth. Its thick and tasteful rice danced in her taste buds, and a content puff escaped her mouth.

"I made that," Tezuka uttered, eyeing the female who was savoring the porridge.

"Really? It's so good."

"I'm glad you liked it. I browsed through the internet to find a good recipe."

"Hm, that's quite unexpected, I might say."

"Why is that?" He arched an eyebrow, making her chuckle.

"You usually browse through books."

"Am I not allowed to browse the internet?"

"It's not like that, it's just... relatively new for me. You mentioned that the internet is... a site of unreliable information, yes?"

"Well, let's say, certain parts of the internet were rather accurate. Moreover, it's a quick search."

She scoops more of the porridge until she emptied the bowl. She placed the container down on her nightstand, directing her eyes back toward the lad.

"I heard an effective medicine for my fever."

"Hm? Let me hear about it."

(Name) leaned her cheeks on her palm, sparing Tezuka a teasing smile, "Kiss."

Regardless of her teasing, Tezuka's expression remained impassive, disappointing the female.

"So your solution is to transmit disease via physical affection?"

"Well...~ You haven't kissed me in a while now..."

"Seriously? Right now? You're sick, (Name)."

"Geez, but you said you'll do everything just to see me recover...~"

"(Name), I never said that-"

"So you don't want me to recover, is that it?"

"Good grief, what I meant is that I will help you recover by taking care of you."

"So that's how it is. You're making excuses so you won't kiss me."

"Stop being stubborn, (Name). I would but now's not the best time. I can't get sick, we have a tournament next week."

"Whatever, Kunimitsu..."

"What's gotten to you?"

She pouts, folding her arms on her chest.

He sighs, dragging himself out of the chair as he inched near her. His fingertips grazed her jaw, making her turn at him. (Name) was fazed, witnessing how he closed his eyes, as well as their proximity to one another.

Before realizing it, Tezuka had pressed his lips on her. It lingered for a while before he pulls away, gaping at her expanded eyes.


"That's what you wanted, right?"

"I didn't expect you to do it!"

"You're confusing as ever, (Name)."

He plants his lips back to hers, surprising her even more. But she has no complaints and returned his kiss, her eyes fluttering close.

A minute had passed and they pulled away.

"Is that what you're longing for?"


"If I got sick, you better take care of me too."


"Don't let your guard down again, (Name)."



I kinda have to make them High School students. I don't know about you guys but y'know, here in my country, if two young couples (around teenage years) kissed, they'd be weirded out lol

Cheeks are okay, but lips... prepare for their reactions. They'd be very uncomfy about it. EVEN IF YOU ARE 17 THEY'D BE WEIRDED OUT 💀

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