Takashi Kawamura - Sushi Assistance?

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She slid the door open and was greeted by the owner and also the maker of the sushi store.

"Hello Mr. Kawamura."

"Ah, our regular customer! Welcome! Welcome!"

"Hehehe, the usual order please."

"Right, coming up! Takeshi, will you bring this to her?"

"Dad, you're too cheerful..."

"Who wouldn't be when a pretty young lady suddenly came?"

"Ah, oh thank you!"

She blushed at the owner's praise and ducked her head in bashfulness. She always comes here after club activities and she really gets along well with Kawamura and his father. Ever since she was still an innocent child, her grandfather that likes sushi always took her to this shop and she won't deny the fact that the food here was luring her every time she glanced at it.

"You're grandfather isn't with you, L/n-san?" Kawamura asked and placed down her order. She grabbed the chopstick and split them in half, "He went back with grandma yesterday."

"That must be lonely."

"Sort of." She did the usual routine before eating food and devoured the salmon sushi.

"Hm~! Delicious!"

"Ahaha, be careful L/n-san, you might choke-"

"Huk-! W-water! Water!"

"Okay! Okay! Here!"

Kawamura handed her a full glass of water, consuming it with one drink. She sighed heavily, catching her breath while her hand was on her chest.

"Whew. You saved me again, Takashi-kun..."

"I told you to be careful many times already."

"I'm so sorry, the sushi is too good."

He sighed and viewed his father that is now in trouble. He ran up to him and asked him to calm down.

"What's going on?"

"Some of our helpers won't make it tomorrow..."

"Eh? Why?"

"The taxi they rode today appears to have a problem and went into a horrible accident."

The female overheard the conversation and stared at them with her brows creased.

'If the helpers can't make it, then they will have a hard time dealing with the customers...'

She stood up and went near them, catching their attention.

"Ah, L/n. You're finished already? Well, I'm not surprised hahaha" Kawamura's father joked as if he didn't encounter a problem just a second ago. She replied with a thumbs-up and thanked him, praising the food wholeheartedly.

"Um...I heard the problem a while ago..."

"Oh? What about it?"

"I might be able to help!"

"L/n-san? What are you talking about? You're not allowed to work, it's against the school rules!"

She placed her hands on her hips and made a very confident pose, showing that she was eager to help whatever the circumstances are.

"No, the situation you're in is quite hard. And I don't need payment, I'll help you! I can ask some of my friends to help too!"


"R-really?! Thank you very much, L/n!"

"It's nothing much, the shop opens at 7:00 every Sunday, right? Then I'll go ask my friends right now!"

The Prince Of Tennis // OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon