Chotaro Otori - Comfort

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The awful girl hurriedly sprinted to the office while hugging up her piled-up papers and files for the project she was assigned to. It was frustrating, she didn't get enough sleep or even spend her time eating foods as many as she wanted. She was stuck on that project for so long and neglected those who are around her.

She disappointingly nodded and closed the door behind her. She wants to cry, she wants to burst out, but there are many students still wandering around in front of the teacher's office. Instead, she ran away and went home early.

Pissed off, she slammed the thesis at her table and hugged her pillows. Those restless nights and days went down to drain. Now that she thought of it, she sobbed violently.

Her phone also continuously vibrated which is left unnoticed since it was placed on her nightstand and the only thing she can hear was her self agonizing over the thesis that was rejected earlier.

Her boyfriend that was attempting to call her several times now, only sighed. He hasn't been seeing her for a while now. Both of them were taking different paths, he was on his tennis while she was on her studies. It was harder to have interactions with each other due to these reasons.

And somehow, he was getting skeptical about her love for him. Last time, he saw her talking with another guy who is known to be her smart classmate. He doesn't know anything about them that much but based on how close they started to get, the more he gets paranoid.

Thus, to make sure, he prepared himself to arrive at her house sooner. It was a great opportunity since he was just informed that she went home earlier than the exact time she used to. He was on his way via shortcut to avoid wasting any more time and talk to her immediately. He was worried sick about her.

He knocked multiple times on the door and was greeted by her mother. She let him in and took a brief chat with her, asking for permission to go inside her daughter's room. Even if he knew she will allow him, it was to make sure that her mom was comfortable with it.

He opened the door and entered her room, only to see her organizing her project with a sad face. All of his doubt disappeared when he sees her struggling to complete requirements. He didn't waste any seconds and enveloped her with a tight hug.

"A-ah! Chotaro-kun!" she flinched when she realized that her voice croaked from crying.

"Your eyes look so weary, are you okay?"

She forced a smile and went back at her thing, "I-I guess so... What are you doing here? Don't you have a practice?"

"Atobe-senpai let us home quite early today."


"Yeah. Well, what are you doing? Is that the thesis you were going to submit?"


"The deadline is today isn't it...?"

He stared at her for a second until her eyes released tears again. He panicked and hugged her more tightly, "A-are you okay?! Why are you crying?"

"The teacher didn't accept it..."


"She didn't like it..."

He read the texts on the pages then looked back at her, "I think it's great though?"

"That's what I thought too..."


"But she gave me two days of finishing a new one...that'll take a lot of time..."

"I know you can do it."


She slammed her fists at the table, startling the male beside her, "It's just so frustrating!"

She then ran her hands through her hair and started to sob once again. Otori doesn't know what to do, he thought of comforting her but that won't change anything.

He drew circles at her back to at least calm her down. It was a moment of silence between them, only the sounds of Y/n's sobs were the only thing they can hear.



"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For neglecting you... You've been checking on me, right? But all I did was ignore you... I thought if I only focused on this, everything will go smoothly. I was desperate of having higher remarks, and now I'm regretting it, I pushed you away."

"It's fine... But something is bothering me..."

"What is it?"

"The guy you were always talking to...uh, who is he?"

"Oh... don't worry, he's the one who takes care of everyone's project."

Otori sighed in relief which made Y/n giggle. He curiously stared at her smiling face, "Why is that?"

"Sorry...Anyways you have nothing to worry about. I love you, and only you."

"I-I know... I love you too."

Y/n breathed heavily and leaned on his shoulders, although it was somewhat difficult because of the height differences.

"I'm just gonna rest for a bit, okay? Please wake me up in 10 minutes..."

"Ahaha, okay."

"Thank you for everything, Chotaro-kun..."

After she said those words, she fell asleep peacefully. He only observed how her features changed too much.

"Sleep well, L/n-san. You're stressed."

He planted a chaste kiss on her head and diverted his attention to the papers scattered all around her table and the computer that is currently powered on.

He took the paper near him and read it. It was the remake of the thesis. He stared back and forth between her and the project and without hesitation, he carefully moved and started to type everything that is written.

He glanced at her in shock when she spoke out of the sudden but gladly, she was still asleep. Murmuring random words, one of her sentences caught his attention.

"I love...Chotaro-kun...never fails to... uh..."

'Huh? I never fail what?'

"put me at ease....."

"You also did the same, L/n-san. Thanks for clarifying things."


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