Hiroshi Yagyu - Cuddle Session

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She wiped her sweat with her hands, exhaustion devouring her whole. Embracing the accumulated papers of the committee.

Being part of the student council was never easy, to say the least. There are a lot of things on hand until she's done with the current task and she's growing tired of it the more she's working.

She fumbles on the papers, trying to keep them all systemized. While going downstairs, a light force causes her to step back.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

A manly voice causes her to tremble. She dropped the papers down as they both collided with one another. Upon apologizing, the student remained hard-headed and continued pointing out how she bumped into him.

Her schoolmates stared, not wanting to step into the conflict even though they already knew that the arrogant male is wrong.

"I already apologize, what do you expect me to say...?" She asked, too worn out to deal with the trouble she was facing.

"Get lost girlie, or I might break your pretty face."

She is already used to getting threatened by delinquents so she's not scared anymore. Folding her arms on her chest, she tilted her head and fiercely looked at the student, "Then get out of my way, if you may."

"What? You're too cheeky for a small woman."

A sigh escaped from her, losing patience with all of his idiocy. School shouldn't tolerate this kind of attitude, and she hoped that they discipline him properly.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" A loud, terrifying voice made the students panic inside.

Fear can be seen on their faces as the vice-captain of the tennis club walked her way.

Beside him is the gentleman, pushing up his glasses with his ring and middle finger.

"What's going on here, Y/n?"

"Hiroshi, Sanada." Y/n greeted, the male she was fighting with clicked his tongue.

"Hey, you!"


"Come with me right now!" Sanada tugged his collar and pulled him away.

"Ah, I haven't explained yet..." She mumbles.

"Y/n, what happened?"

"Oh, I was carrying these papers to the student council room. I was occupied with handling the papers so I bumped into him. I'm just relieved that the papers aren't crumpled. It's my fault, I was... quite reckless that I crashed into him."

"Well, either way, it's not also necessary to create such a scene over a small thing. You should be careful next time, Y/n. Some people are just up to no good."

The girl pushed her (h/c) hair to her side, looking at Yagyu with haziness in her eyes. It made him worry how careless she is about herself, nonetheless glad that she didn't get hurt.

"Are you okay?" The purple-haired/brunette male asks.


"I'll help you."

"Oh, but aren't you patrolling around?"

"I can do it later."

Finally, a sincere smile crept on her face, a slight tint of pink dusting her cheeks. That made the teen slightly blush as well.

"Thank you very much, Hiroshi."

"You're always welcome." He scooped up the fallen papers, helping her organize each one back to its order. Yagyu takes half of it as well as Y/n, sharing the documents.

The Prince Of Tennis // Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें