Kuranosuke Shiraishi - Belladonna

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She wandered through the unknown garden, it was filled with poisonous plants. Others will think that the place was rather joyless due to the matter of the fact that all you can ever spot were those plants.

She became interested in them, upon learning about them from her grandmother who has such an odd obsession with them. She was warned not to get attached to them by those who she considers an amateur about it, but the more she was forced not to, the more she gets curious.

A strong wind blew her hair and her dress along with the leaves and trees rustling loudly. She tucked a strand of her (h/c) hair behind her ears and bent over to look at her favorite one, Belladonna lilies.

The pink color and the cute shape were really mesmerizing it will literally lure you.

"Hey, I think you dropped this."


She turned around to see a young man, handing her a notebook. She accepted it and thanked him before facing away to get back at her habit.

The latter rose an eyebrow and also went beside her to examine the plant she was so amazed about.

"Belladonna lilies, eh? Do you like them?"

"Hm? Ah yes, I really like them."

"I see...are you interested in poisonous plants too?"

"Yes, I want to look around more but I'm not that familiar with the place so..."

"I'll accompany you then, shall we go?"

"Y-you're the guide here?"

"Huh? Ahahaha I'm not, I'm also like you."

"I see. Well, okay then."

Both of them talked about the plants, sharing opinions and knowledge as if they have their own world.

"Ah, Lily of the Valley."

"Yes, here it is."

"Hm, aside from belladonna lilies, I kinda like Lily of the Valley too. But it contains cardiac glycosides so it's better not to be careless."

"Yes, you're right. You know a lot, have you been looking at botanic gardens?"

"Yes, with my grandma. But she was sick today so I have to go all by myself."

"That must be lonely."

"How about you, mister? Are you alone too?"

"Ahahaha you don't need to call me mister."


"It's fine, I haven't caught your name yet."

"Ah, I'm L/n Y/n, a 3rd year in Junior High. Nice to meet you."

"Shiraishi Kuranosuke, 3rd year also, at Shitenhoji Junior High."

"Shiraishi? Hm..."

She tapped her chin, trying to remember the name of the person she met just now.


"What is it L/n-san?"

"You're... you're the captain of the Shitenhoji's male tennis club!"

"Heh, you know me?"


"You watch tennis?"


"Eh? Then why you didn't recognize me at first?"

"Oh...my hometown is Tokyo, I just came here to Osaka to visit my ill grandmother. Plus, I only heard your name from some players, I haven't met you personally yet."

The Prince Of Tennis // Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن