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My mom... She's lying on the floor lifeless.

Blood flowing through her injured parts.

My dad. He is been stabbed. No! No!

P-please... Please... Spare my parents.

"Please!" I woke up. It was such a nightmare.

A nightmare that I once had.

"You alright!?" Aiden ran into the room I was laying at.

Apparently I was at Aiden's house.

"Bro... You scared me". He said.

"I remember... I remember!"

"You remember? Remember what?"

"Everything... I have to go".

"Umm... Alright".

I grabbed my shoes and ran to Nephy's house.

"Nephy! Open the door!" I said as I rang the bell.

Nephy opened the door in a rush.

"I remembered!".

Nephy gave me a 'seriously?' look.

"Is this why you were rushing?"

"I remember Amethyst's memory"

"It's no use tho... You already know everything" Nephy said.

"But I want revenge"

"Revenge? Gurl are you sick? You literally called me out at 12 at midnight and you are talking about revenge?".

"You wouldn't understand... I was the happiest in the whole world but one day... They snatched it away from me. They killed my parents mercilessly".

"Star, you should rest first. We can take care of it tomorrow".


At 7:30 am.

"Nephy! Are you coming with me or not?"

"Yes I'm coming! Who would take care of you if you are about to do something stupid!".

"Then hurry up!".

We left.

We walked towards the entrance of my aunt's mansion.

"Sorry miss, no one is allowed to enter right now" A guard stopped me.

I was pissed.

"Fine... I will come tomorrow then" Saying so I turned.

I turned again swiftly and snuck past him. Of course Nephy was with me too.

I rang the bell alot.

But before anyone opened the door, some guards grabbed us.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

They dragged us to the gate.

But suddenly, the door opened.

I stared at the person who opened the door and growled at them.

It was aunt Lina.

"Let them in Marcus" She ordered.

The guy let go of us and we walked into the mansion.

It was huge. Of course it would be. This is my parents money.

How could she? Her own sister and brother-in-law.

I glared at her. My eyes was flaming with rage.

"Why are you not saying anything?". Aunt lina asked.

She knows I have found something about her.

"Well,well,well... How does it feel to be murderer, aunt Lina?" I asked observing her reactions.

She wasn't nervous. She grinned and said "What evidence do you have to prove it dear? Do you think I take decision before thinking just like you now?"

"I..." I couldn't find anything to say to her. I felt dumbfounded.

She walked towards me and whispered in my ears "Do you think recording our conversation is the only proof we need?".

I was shocked. How did she know.

"Now if you wanna be alive run away from here". She moves and walks away.

I grabbed Nephy's hands and exited the mansion.

Aiden's pov:

   "Welp that was weird".

Amethyst have been acting weird ever since she had the accident.

"She have a better personality now. Well... Not as provoking as before".

*ring ring* *ring ring*

'Who's this? An unknown number?'

"Hello? May I ask who you are?".

Through the phone :
                    "Its me boss. I found out about the Lewis families deal with the West's".

"Great! Good job. Keep investigating".

"Ok boss, as you wish".

'Heh finally... I've been working on exposing that guy for a long time. Time to destroy him and his entire family'.

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