5: The Great Plan

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Aiden pov :

Amethyst left.

'What she said, is it believable. Revenge? That bastard seriously shot her?' I thought.

'There's something wrong with Amethyst. She's acting weird'.

'She was pushed in front of a train by that bastard before, but why is she talking about revenge now?'

'Ugh whatever, my mind is hurting' I thought.

"S-sir?" It was my secretary july.


"O-oh you are okay now?"

"Yes, yes now you can tell me what you are here for"

"Ah yes, Autumn is here to visit you"


"Uh... Autumn?"

Hearing my beloved crushes name I rushed out.

"Autumn!" I called to gain her attention.

"Oh! Aiden"

'Oh... She's so adorable'

"What made you come?"

"Oh yeah about that... I have an exciting news for you?"

"What is it" She said it's exciting so I'm thrilled to know what it is.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes I guess?"

"Ok here we go" Saying so she shows her back of the hand.

Not understanding what she's doing I stared at her hand.

"A ring!?" I was shocked.

The love of my life is getting married to that bastard.

"Yes! And more exciting news for you!". "You're the one who walks me down the aisle!"

"What!? Why me?"

"Should I remind you there is no one left in my family?". "You're like my long lost brother, even if we're not blood related you're the only family I have"

'Family? Brother? Was all that affection fake?does she not love me? Will she leave me too? Just like my mother and father?' I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Aiden? Aiden! Aiden!?"

"Whoa what?"

"You alright?"

"Wha- yes! Yes I'm okay"

"Well, will you agree? Please?"

"Fine... Sure"

"Thanks big bro I will be going then". Saying so she left.

'Big bro?' I scoffed.

Amethyst pov:

'Ugh what the hell am I doing?. I need something to plan. Ah! I will write down so I can keep track of my planning' so I took an empty diary and started to write.

• Make a deal with Aiden

• Maybe fix my problems with other people
• Have fun and go around

"What the hell? Why is planning so hard?"

"I haven't done even one of my task, and there is only three..."

"I can't take it anymore! First I'm tired and second I'm hungry.I haven't eaten a thing after arriving here". So I took my- amethyst - phone which had a lock I guessed it was finger lock and it was.

I called Nephy.

Nephy, "Yo what you want?"

"Come get me, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten a thing".

"Oh shit I forgot!, I'll pick you up rn"


We went to a restaurant.

"Let's sit here" Nephy said.

We sat down and made ourselves comfortable.

I looked at the menu.

There were alot of things. I gazed at the names drooling.

"Can I have beef bulgogi,jjajangmeon, tteokbokki and sprite for drink?" (FYI.She's not Korean! Just trying Asian food)

"Yes ma'am" The waiter said.

"I'll have the same" Said Nephy.

"So you are a big eater too huh?"

"Big? This is not big"


We started to eat. As I was eating I noticed Nephy panicking and looking at me.

I asked "why are you panicking?"

"Your aunt!- I mean star's aunt"

"Roselina!?" I shouted whisperingly.

"Yes! What shall we do?!"

"Whatever it is, I won't leave until I finish my food!"

As I was speaking I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Shit" I whispered. And I slowly turned around

Sorry that I'm always posting late. It's just that I have school, homework, this, and a YouTube channel to handle. I am writing on my mom's phone so I don't get it that much either.And I am making up story as I write and sometimes I have lack of imagination so please forgive me for posting late!😭😭😭

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