9: Matchmaker Villainess

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Time : 2:45 pm.

"Chase?" I asked confused.

"Chase? You said he will come tomorrow".

"What day is it today?".

"Wednesday". Nephy answered.

"I'm not wrong! In the story, it says that Chase arrive tomorrow".

"Are you sure? You know, it may not be a big deal" She said.

"Yeah you're right, it must not be a big deal. Let's go say hi to him".

"S-sure". Nephy was a little nervous.

We walked towards Chase and stood near the shelves.

"Yo". I called out to him.

He looked up and looks side to side.

"Here, here". I said.

He looked towards us. He was surprised.

"Lil sis? What are you doing here?".

"I should be the one to ask, I thought you will only arrive tomorrow?".

"I changed my mind". He said.

A book fell out of the shelves and hit me in the head.

Nephy and Chase giggles seeing me.

"It's not funny" I said. But suddenly I get a quick headache. It was only for a moment.

I paused.

"Yo sis, you alright?" He asked.

"Mhm... Yeah I'm fine. Since you have came back here after 2 years, let's go have a feast!". I suggested.

"Not a bad idea" he said and we three decided on a time.

"Well see you then!" I said to Chase but I forgot,

"What do you mean? I'm staying with you".

Shit. How am I gonna dressup Nephy if he is in my house. I go to Nephy's house of course! What a dumbass I am.

"Sure but I won't be there till dinner is that alright?".

"What if I get hungry and don't know where you kept the food or what if my phone dies and I won't be able to find a place to charge?".

"You're not a child, you're literally 30 years old".

"Stop exaggerating, I'm only 28".

I gave him a meh look.

We said each other goodbyes after giving my keys to him.

We went to Nephy's place after going around the city.

Time : 5:30 pm

"Was it a good idea?". She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Isn't this too soon?"

"No don't worry... Just be calm, don't be nervous".


We both started getting ready.

I wore this⬇️

I wore this⬇️

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