6: Aunt Lina's meet

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I slowly turned around.

'God,you're so mean' I thought.

"It's a pleasure to meet you aunt lina"

The woman smirks.

I was too busy to focus what was happening,I kept devouring the food as I almost fainted because of hunger.

While eating I glanced at Nephy.

She was staring at me like I did something wrong.

I can feel her legs trembling under the table.

Confused,I looked at Roselina.

I thought something sharp and cold pierced through my eyes. Her,Roselina was staring at me non-stop as if I ran through her cat.

"Uh...my apologies aunt Lina,Nephy order something expensive and comfortable for aunt Lina" I said knowing how much she likes money.

She smiled. "No need,I'd like to know how your life is going". She said.

'She want to confirm that I'm loving in misery'.

'people like her enjoys seeing other suffer, afterall she is the one who killed Amethyst's parents with her husband'.

"Well... It had been not so bad, but could be better".

"How is it with your fiancé Cedric?"

'Oh. She already heard the knews'.

"I have decided to let go of him"

"No no. You are already 26 years old. You shall get married soon.

'She wants to make me get into a hard position,wait... Cedric hasn't called off the engagement yet right? If it's Aiden... I think he would call off the engagement after some time'.

'But am I sure?... I mean he's the last one that would like me and I would like'.

"Ah, aunt lina I want to get engaged to another person".

"Who is it" Roselina asked curious to know who I/Amethyst like other than Cedric.

"Aiden Smith"

"Hmm... Very unique choice of interest".

"Both you have no parents, both left their kids". She said while laughing a little.

'She's tryna make me angry but I don't even feel a thing'.

"Aunt lina, you do know how succesful his company is, right"

"Why yes, I know".

"That's why they're fighting you know that too, just think about it, Cedric hates me and I hate him too"


"I want to marry Aiden"

'That's the only way I can avoid any marriage' 'he probably will divorce me the second week after marriage' I laughed inside.

"Sure, do whatever you want"

'She's only saying this because he's rich'

"But... Did he agree to the marriage proposal?"

"Oh...that, I haven't talked to him yet"

"What!? How do you expect to marry him if he doesn't agree?"

"Don't worry aunt lina I got it under control". Saying so I smirked.

3rd person pov:

  'Hmmm... What must Amethyst be thinking?. I can say she changed her way of thinking, and she's not that annoying anymore. Thought Roselina.

'But she has become shameless, stuffing food while someone is meeting her'.

'Hehe Hehehe...hahahahaha!!! I'll rule this world! As if, now I think Aiden will agree if I ask for his sister's necklace, but he may won't agree at all' Amethyst kept discussing to herself.

"Aunt lina, we will be going then". Saying so Amethyst grabbed Nephy and exited the restaurant, of course they finished the food.

Nephy : "How did you manage to
        Make star's aunt accept?"

Amethyst:"you know you can call
         Call her my aunt".

Nephy : "huh? Yeah sure".

Amethyst:"I know her well.She
          loves money and accept
          every rich person".

Nephy : "ooh! Well shall we head

Amethyst:"Is that place we were
         Staying my home?"

Nephy : "No, that's your office's
        Resting room".

Amethyst:"Whoa that big? But I
         didn't see any office
         Outside tho?"

Nephy : "It's because your entire
        Company is across the

Amethyst:"Across the street?"

Nephy : "mhm"

The sun has setted entirely. The two walked to their home.

In a dark black canvas something bright and yellow was rising. The canvas started to light up into sky blue . The sun had risen.

Amethyst woke up as the real Amethyst usually wakes up at this time.

"Mhm... What time is it?". She asked to herself.

She rolled over to the edge of the queen size bed to grab her phone.

She turned her phone on and looked at the time.

"5:45 am!?". "I should get ready". Saying so she jumped out of her bed and walked towards her walk in wardrobe.

She opens the door to the wardrobe and stared in shock.

"What the". The room was big and was filled with luxurious clothes and accesories.

(I found this on chrome😅)

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(I found this on chrome😅)

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