Chapter 5 - Attacked

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*trigger warning: mention of alcohol/substance abuse, violence/blood, sexual assault but not rape, panic attack*
If you come across a trigger that wasn't prewarned, let me know so I can fix it. Stay safe.
Chapter 5 - Attacked

Julia's P.O.V.

Eventually the school comes into sight and I sigh, reluctant to go in. The grass is damp as we cross the football field to reach the front, and my attention is temporarily caught by a group of people huddled under the bleachers against the cold.
One of them calls something along the lines of "my time being better spent with him, rather than Styles." To which Harry bristles, shooting an icy glare at the familiar young man with black hair who'd said it. He only grins.
Some part of me shudders as I feel their gaze on our backs when we reach the front of the school. But eventually, we push through the crowd together as we fight our way towards the school building.

He opens a door for me, barely dipping his head.

I blink in surprise.

I never figured him as the gentlemanly type. I smile a little at him, walking in.

He follows me in and I bite my lip, watching him walk towards our first class. So instead of going to my locker, I follow him.

We walk into the classroom, then towards our shared desk in the back. I resist the urge to be a pain and take his seat again. He may piss me off at times, but I need to get on good terms.

He sits down in his seat, pushing his pencil around the desk aimlessly. I pause and take a deep breath, slowly walking over and sitting in the seat next to him. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes, letting out a deep long sigh that makes his contempt clear.

"So...Harry..." I start. I bite my lip and ask slowly, so awkwardly that I almost cringe. "Do you play any sports...?"

He doesn't even look over at me and barely shakes his head. I'm honestly shocked with the fact he actually replied, but I try and hide it as I nod a little and continue my questioning.

"Do you have any siblings?"

Again, he shakes his head.

There's a long pause as I think of any other possible questions.

"What color is your toothbrush?" I blurt stupidly.

He snorts, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Sorry..." I mumble, my face flooding with heat. "It's a kind of... inside joke, it's a long story..." I try to explain as if it makes it any better.

"What's your favorite school subject?"

He looks over at me as if I've just informed him I have three heads.

I laugh a little, embarrassed yet again and blushing.

I look down to avoid his eyes, picking at a loose string on my sweater, mumbling more to myself. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I should've known..."

He looks back to his pencil that he's twirling through his long fingers and I sigh.

This is hopeless. He's not opening up at all. There's gotta be something he's interested in.

I sigh, trying to think of another question.

"Do you play any instruments?"

There's a long pause as he thinks, but he barely nods.

I smile a little and sit up straighter. "What do you play?" I ask, not bothering to conceal the interest in my voice.

I watch his face as he stares down at his pencil. I sigh a little, mumbling in frustration as I watch his face. "20 questions is it...?" I sigh again, long and heavy before I think.

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