Chapter 41 - Shopping

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Chapter 41 - Shopping

Julia's P.O.V.

I'm searching through the seemingly endless racks, occasionally nodding as reply as Alice chatters away at my side.

Alice had insisted upon going shopping with me today, insisting we needed "quality sister bonding time."

Of course this struck me as odd because we already have a great relationship, and she hasn't ever wanted to do this in the past.

"What are we looking for, again?" I ask tiredly.

To be honest, without trying, I'd begun to tune her out.

I tried with my whole heart to keep up with her mind numbing conversation but somewhere around the fourth store, I couldn't focus any longer.

I'm not exactly a shopoholic and I'm beginning to lose my patience.

"A dress for the dance." She repeats for the thousandth time.

I try to not look as clueless as I still am.

She watches my face skeptically, her hazel eyes prodding.

"Julia!" She cries out in frustration when she sees right through me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I never get any sleep anymore, I think I left part of my soul in finals week, graduation preparation is killing me, and we've been shopping for hours!" I defend myself, sighing and running my hands over my face.

"But you've been ignoring me." She says slowly, her brows furrowing into a sad crease.

"I don't mean to. I swear I am trying my very best to focus. I'm exhausted." I say, frowning.

She watches me for a moment more, finally sighing and reminding me patiently.

"Xavier asked me to the Summertime Ball... I don't have anything to wear..."

I nod again, trying to commit it to memory so she won't have to remind me again.

So I continue to search through the dresses, most of them far too revealing for either of our taste, or too gaudy.

I almost feel physically sick at having been shopping for so long.

I want to get home and dive back into reading Romeo and Juliet again.

I still haven't thanked Harry enough for choosing that, of all things to return to me.

He keeps dismissing me with a smile, but I know he's irritated that I won't let it drop.

A dress finally catches my eye and I stop, pushing the other materials aside to try and get a better look at it.

After a moment of deliberation, I turn to look down the aisle where Alice is pawing impatiently through dresses.

"What about this one?" I ask, nodding towards the one I'd found.

Alice's incessant mumbling to herself finally stops as she walks over, sliding her hand over the soft gold dress admiringly.

"It's so pretty..." She murmurs with a smile, pulling it off of the rack with a light clink.

The dress is simple.

It's strapless, reaching the floor. There's no beading on it. No sequins. Just a smooth, loose, draping dress that catches the light beautifully, swishing softly as it brushes against the floor.

After a moment, I turn to look at Alice.

"I thought you already have a dress." I realize, frowning.

She shakes her head, auburn curls bouncing and hazel eyes twinkling.

"No, Laura picked it out. I didn't really like it so she returned it. I want this one." She nods to herself, looking it over.

It isn't at all her style. She's all about silver and gold. Bright and neon colors. Bling and elegant beading. Snug, attractive clothing that steals the breath and attention of everyone in the room. She could pull off any dress she wanted, yet it still surprises me she picks this one.

I lean over and fish out the tag, glancing at the size.

"This is like a size or two too big, Alice." I point out.

She stares at me.

"Exactly. It'll be long, it'll drape, you won't be able to tell I'm not a twig." She smiles proudly at her reasoning as we start towards the checkout counter.

"But you are a twig." I grumble and she only laughs in reply.

"Do you think it's pretty?" She asks, looking down at the dress in her arms.

I nod quickly.

"It's really gorgeous..."

She smiles. "Great."

And it's then again, that she starts to chatter. And again, I can't help it.

I tune her out the whole way home.

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