Chapter 46 - Doorstep

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Chapter 46 - Doorstep

Julia's P.O.V.

We ride the rest of the way in almost complete silence, our hands still joined in resting in my lap.

I keep my head tilted back against the headrest and let my eyes stay closed, just enjoying the faint vibrations of the car under us.

He knows I'm tired and I know he is too, but he doesn't once ask me to help keep him awake.

He lets me rest, continuing to gently rub his thumb into the back of my hand as he hums an oddly familiar tune.

I can't quite place where it's from, but I'm positive I've heard it before.

But despite the gnawing familiarity of the song, I can't even begin to dredge to mind a hint of where I know it from.

I only open my eyes when I feel the car slow to stop, and to my relief, it's only a red light each time.

And of course, the final time that I feel the car slow and I let myself stay relax and not check, it happens to be the one I dreaded.

Because Harry's hand squeezes mine slightly, a soft click indicating that the car has turned off.

I frown immediately when I realize that I'm back home.

"Alright..." He sighs, letting go of my hand to unbuckle himself.

I frown up at the big house ahead of us, suddenly wishing for the first time that I lived further away from Harry.

Reluctantly, I follow suit as I sit up, unbuckling myself too with a heavy and tired sigh.

"I'll give you these back tomorrow after school, you can come over for them." I whisper with a slight smile, tugging at his loose tshirt I'm wearing.

He nods, smiling.

"Do you want me to walk you to the door?" He asks softly.

I nod eagerly.

He and I both know he has no reason to.

We're just both finding excuses to draw this perfect night longer, even if it means only getting to spend a few precious seconds more with each other.

I hang my folded dress over my arm, picking up my heels off of the car floor. Half a second later, my car door opens for me.

I hadn't even noticed Harry get out, but here he is, opening my door.

I give him a small smile, stepping out of the car and onto the driveway. He shuts the door quietly behind me, taking my free hand as we walk towards the porch, much, much slower than necessary.

"The second we get out of school tomorrow, I'm taking you to the beach." He murmurs, his green eyes twinkling with a childish excitement. I laugh a little, rolling my eyes.

"We were there not that long ago, we're gonna go again?"

He purses his lips.

"Julia, I took you back in the end of April... It's June..."

I shrug, looking down at my bare feet. "That's not that long ago, it's just a little over a month..."

"But it was a month, that's forever. Plus, it's summer. Graduation is in three days, so we've got three days to plan summer break..." He reasons, nodding slowly.

"You've really thought this through, haven't you?" I chuckle.

He nods happily.

"We need to go to the beach, we need to go to a boardwalk fair, we need to go to some kind of festival, we need to go to a concert-"

"Did you make sure to make room in our schedule for breathing?" I interrupt him, chuckling.

"Don't tease me!" He laughs loudly.

"Shh, it's like 3:45, you're gonna wake up the whole neighborhood." I shush him, glancing up the street nervously.

"You're such a worrier..." He chuckles, still talking far too loudly for my comfort.

"Shush!" I hiss up at him, frowning.

"No." He says childishly, grinning impishly.

"Harry, shut up before someone shoots you!" I laugh quietly and let go of his hand, standing on my tiptoes to cover his mouth with my hand.

He narrows his eyes at me, something hardening in his eyes.

But then I understand when he suddenly licks my hand.

He actually licks me.

"Ew!" I squeal in disgust, wiping my hand off on the front of his shirt.

"Now who's being loud?" He whispers over dramatically, grinning.

"That's disgusting!" I whine quieter, shaking out my hand as if it'll change the fact that it happened.

"You act like you don't kiss me, that's more unhygienic than me licking your hand." He points out, chuckling.

"Do you ever want me to kiss you again?" I say bluntly, glaring up at him.

He puts his hands up innocently, grinning.

Barely any light leaks across the yard from our porch lights, but while I can see him better, I wish we still had a while to walk. Both of us slow down as we walk up onto the porch.

Harry sighs, looking to the side at the door longingly, as I know he also wishes we had more time.

"Sorry I kept you up late..." He murmurs, stepping a little closer to press his lips to my forehead.

I barely smile to myself, closing my eyes and shrugging carelessly.

"I had a great time. We're just both going to be exhausted on our last day of school." I whisper quietly, wrapping my one free arm around him.

Both of his arms quickly envelop me, his chin resting in my hair.



"Your high heels are stabbing me in the stomach." He points out quietly.

I laugh, starting to step away from his embrace. He quickly tugs me back into his chest, burrowing his face into my hair.

"Worth it..." He mumbles, more to himself.

I giggle quietly into his shirt, wrapping my free arm around him tighter.

"I love you..." I murmur, tilting my head back to look at him. He gives me a crooked smile, the porch light shining above him and leaving a heavenly looking edge of white around him.

"I love you too, pips... Go get some rest..." He says gently, pulling back and lightly nudging me towards the door.

I jut my bottom lip out, trying my best to give him puppy dog-eyes.

"What about my goodnight kiss?" I pout, cheeks burning against a smile.

He grins widely, one hand placing on the side of my waist as he leans down, pressing his smooth lips to mine. But too soon for my liking, he pulls back with the slightest of his stunning smiles.

"Night, pips..." He whispers, stepping back off the porch and onto the walkway.

"G'night, Harry..." I call back as quietly as I can, reaching behind me to fumble with the doorknob, opening it. And of course, my grace can only last so long.

When I try to step back, my shoulder smacks into the doorframe with a soft thump. I can't see Harry, but I can hear the ghost of his laugh and his quiet footsteps as he walks down the driveway.

My face flushes red in embarrassment and without a moment's hesitation, I retreat into the house.

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