Ch 8- Stealth Mission

Start from the beginning

Why did always end this way. " I know" she finally replied. She took off her necklace that Hiccup made her when they were little." Bring this back to me." She handed him the necklace.

"Will do milady" he smiled. Both of them not wanting to spoil the moment with more words were pulled into a passionate make out session.

~Drago's island~

" YOU LOST THE NIGHTFURY" Drago punched one of his soldiers," sir *cough* he was under the control *cough* but something must have brought it out of the trance."

"AAAAHHHHHH" the giant man landed a final punch to the soldiers gut, killing him.

He chuckled to himself knowing that the dragon boy and his pet would come prancing back to the rescue.

~Back to Hiccup~

He and toothless were in the air now. The wind was biting Hiccups skin like thousands of needles. They would need to find a place to sleep before nightfall otherwise they will freeze.

After many hours of flying, the sun finally started to set and the duo decided on a cave for the night.

Hiccup had a fire going. "What do you think bud, do we have a chance?" Toothless gave a hopeful warble. "When we get there, if something happens to me you need to run as fast as you can before they get you." The dragon brought his tail protectively around his rider


The island was finally in view. It had more defenses than when hiccup was last here. He knew that Drago would be waiting for him but he had a plan. Hiccup just needed to release enough dragons so that he can bring in reinforcements.

He and toothless touched down on the other side of the island. " ok bud you need to stay here until I get back." Toothless protested." I know, but you are to big of a target. I will be back by sunset" he scratched toothless' chin.

Hiccup made it to the cages and it was a horrible sight. Hundreds of dragons hung in cages from the ceiling.

There was a guard everywhere he looked. He would need to be smart.

He started by silently taking a guard and hiding him in a corner while he took his outfit. Then one by one the dragon master killed or knocked out every guard. He was like a ghost.

He thought he had all of the guards but one snuck up on him making a lot of noise. Crap. There was going be be a lot more people soon. He quickly shut the guard up and freed as many dragons as possible making sure to get Stormfly first.

He freed at least 15 dragons when he heard men running down the chambers. Hiccup quickly ran the other way to get Toothless.

Suddenly men started coming through all of the hallways. Hiccup was stuck.

He quickly climbed the stone walls and hid in a dark corner. He found an empty room that he went in after the men had passed and hiccup started to snoop around.

There wasn't much but a desk and a storage space. Hiccup decided to stay in here until he thought it was safe.

Hiccup was far from safe. Drago walked in furious with a random guard in his hands dead. Drago looked up and saw the frozen dragon master.

Hiccup didn't know what to do. Everytime he sees that man, he has flashbacks of when he was captured and tortured.

"Well if it isn't the dragon boy. I thought you would be dead, but you somehow always beat death." Drago was clearly unamused.

Hiccup didn't have time for Drago's games. He quickly charged at him but Drago blocked him with the dead man. After many clashes of weapons, Drago sliced Hiccups side.

Hiccup knew that would happen; he just needed to get close enough to Drago. Hiccup slit Drago's throat and the giant man started coughing up blood.

It was done. Hiccup won the war.

~the next day~

Back on the main island, dragons were flying in. "Stormfly!" Astrid ran up to her dragon," hey girl, where is Hiccup." Stormfly purred, not knowing.

Why wasn't Hiccup here, he freed these dragons. They couldn't have captured him right?

Then in the horizon the village saw a black dragon with the one and only Hiccup on his back. He carried Drago's spear. On the top of the spear was Drago's head.

The town roared with cheers and applause as the dragon master landed. He was immediately embraced by his mother and Astrid.

He chuckled "It went a lot better than planned" Valka nodded," I can see that. Are you hurt at all." Astrid immediately started looking all around him. His side was very bloody but bandaged.

"I am fine," he cupped Astrid's face and wrapped her necklace around her that she gave him," the war is over and we can finally live in peace" Hiccup held Astrid's hand and announced," Astrid and I will get married next month."

Hope ya liked it, sorry it took so long to update. My computer broke so I had to get a new one. I know that some people don't like Hiccstrid but I couldn't help myself. Don't worry though, there will be lots of action in the upcoming chapters. You can also give me ideas of what you want me to add to the story.

Fate is a tricky one ~ HTTYD RUNAWAYWhere stories live. Discover now