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My head was pounding so fucking hard I'd smash it if it wouldn't hurt me.

I opened my eyes and searched my phone to check the time and it was 4am. I sighed before getting outta bed and then I looked down only to see my naked breasts. The one thing I loved about them was that they were not saggy.

No hate to ladies that have saggy breasts. I don't mean to offend you if I did. I'm sorry.

They were perky and perfect. They were also the perfect size. They were medium sized if I may say.

I knew I was naked and I definitely had sex with someone because my inner thighs were paining so much. I wore the clothes from yesterday that were on the floor and then the mystery guy stirred and I finally saw his face.

I fucking had sex with shitty Dylan. Ugh I hate alcohol now. Why would this happen. We probably did it raw because there were no condoms on the floor so that's my assumption.

I sneaked around the house and I ubered a ride home. It wasn't the walk of shame, it was more like....the walk of uhm..the walk of confidence. When I got there I didn't see Rosa so I figured she'd come home later this morning. 

I went up to my room, took my pyjamas to the bathroom.

The hot water steamed up the whole bathroom and I got in the shower and let the water drop to my body. I took my shower gel and put it on my palm. I closed my eyes as I rubbed it over my body.

As I closed my eyes, yesterday's events flood my mind and I let my brain wander through them. I could see them vividly.

When we got to our destination, I saw that we were at his house. The minute I got in, he shut the front door and slammed my body on the door before he went on to kiss me like his life depended on it. I know it sounds cliché but it's true.

He gripped my thighs and lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He blindly walked to where the stairs were and he moved to my neck as he walked up the stairs. He opened the door and closed it using his foot. I kept moaning as he bit on my neck.

He dropped me on the bed and he looked down at me literally full with lust. He unbuckled his pants and took the off along with his shoes of course. He got on top of me and went on to sucking and kissing my neck. I bit my lip in order to not let him hear how much he's affecting me . His hands roamed my body and took off my crop top and guess who decided to not wear a bra today. His eyes fell on my breasts and he chuckled. "No bra, tsk tsk tsk." He made butterfly kisses on my collarbone and I took off his shirt. This was all happening too fast for me to comprehend. The next thing I knew, we were both completely naked and his mouth was occupying my nipple. He kept biting and pulling and I whimpered lightly.

I lifted my legs so my feet were flat on the bed and he was between my legs. He went straight to the point and just fucked me. He pounded into me and I couldn't control them anymore. I moaned but not loudly so everyone can hear we panted as sweat dripped from our bodies. To sum it up;we did 2 rounds before we fell asleep.

I sighed as I got out of the shower, wore my pyjamas and went to sleep. My legs weren't paining anymore.

The morning flew by and I was seeing less of Angela than usual. She skipped breakfast today saying she's meeting up with a friend of hers. 

Rosa decided to come home at 2pm while I was watching a movie and eating a grilled sandwich with coffee.

"How was your night?" I asked as I took the last bite from my sandwich.

"You really wanna know?" I nodded."First make me a grilled sandwich."

I asked Penny to make us both 3 grilled cheese sandwiches each so that's 6 and to make us coffee again.

"When I left then I came back to tell you I was going, I saw you and some guy I didn't see. You were dancing. You'll tell me about that, deal?" I nodded again.

Our sandwich arrived and Rosa told me. "Well we went to his house and when we got there, he asked me if I wanted anything to drink and said yes and then we went to the kitchen and I stood by the island. He brought the drinks and we drank. Minutes later we kissed and he lifted me on the island and we started making out. Then we had sex in his kitchen." She said proudly.

I was stunned. "Well my story is kinda similar to yours. I also had sex but in the bedroom."

We chatted and laughed then it was time for dinner. Angela finally arrived.

"Where have you been Angela, you totally skipped breakfast today and the past few days. What's up with you?" I asked

She knew there's no point arguing with me do she told us her story.

"OMG, you didn't tell me you met someone, am I that distant to you that you couldn't tell me?" I asked and she looked apologetically at me.

She apologized and we ate and talked about anything.

Morning came in a breeze and I'm questioning my existence in this world like what's my purpose.

One thing I regret doing is having sexual intercourse with my enemy like what happened to 'I'll find him and kill him'.

Anyway the usual happened and Angela told us that she's going out with a friend from work and that we shouldn't wait for her for dinner.

We ate. We talked. We laughed.

The weird thing is I felt comfortable with Rosa more than my sister.

Dylan pov


I groaned as my head was pounding.

I tossed around before laying on back and stared at the dark matte ceiling.

I sat up and turned my head to look at the other side of the bed. Realisation hit me like a fucking army tank. I then looked under the sheets for proof and I was right. I'm always right.

Getting outta bed,I walked to the bathroom to do my morning shower before wrapped a towel on my waist and drying my hair with another towel.

While I was busy drying my hair by ruffling it, I closed my eyes as memories from last night ran through my mind.

"Fuck,tesoro" I groaned as she rode me like she was a professional horse rider.

She moaned while her forehead made contact with my shoulder.

The sounds that were coming out of her mouth made me wanna keep going.

We did the tango twice before giving in to sleep.

My eyes snapped open just to stop the thoughts.

I dressed up for work at the office then I'm going to the modeling agency I made to meet up with the new trainees.

I've got some judging to do.


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