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I was dead tired.

I had killed 23 people in a span of 4 days and I don't know how I did it but I did it anyway. Some put up a fight and I may have broken 9 ribs and 5 stab wounds plus 2 bullet wounds but I took care of 'em. I hired a family doctor for us so that I won't have to rush to the hospital. His name is Dr Clark and he's also half Greek, half Italian.

"You're finally home, where've you been for the past few days," She asked.

I didn't bother answering her back because I wasn't in my best mood to talk to her because we all know I'm a maniac when it comes to knives and blood, so my mind is still stuck in that trance and maybe a little sleep will help me a bit.

* 231 thousand has been transferred into your account *
* 46 thousand has been transferred into your account *
*2 million has been transferred into your account *
*385 thousand has been sent into your account *....etc.

The notifications kept on coming so I muted my phone so that I could sleep because I really need it.


Dylan pov

"Tomorrow I fucking want her dead because she keeps on ruining my fucking plans by fucking killing my partners!" My voice sounded with rage.

This fucking bitch is fucking ruining my attempts of drug shipping and I can't do that when she keeps on killing my guys. I don't know how she finds and kills my men but this has to come to a fucking end. I fucking loathe her.

My men saluted and went on to get suited up. Not that they need to though. We waited for our hacker to track this girl and find her so that they could kill her. The search didn't take long because it said that she's not found anywhere, it's like she doesn't even exist, the way we can't find her.

I slammed the table in frustration but I told her to keep on looking and she should come to me when she finds her even if it takes fucking days.

My fiancé has become annoying these days like all she cares about is shopping and going on cliché dates. Like, I'm fucking busy!

I got in my car and head to the airport to fetch my sister because she's permanently staying with me.

I felt a smack at the back of my head,"Hey doofus." She laughed. "Hello to you too Chloé, how was your flight " I asked as we made our way to the car.

"To be honest, it wasn't that bad. I mean I sat next to this hot dude, that's a bonus and oh guess what, I'll be joining your agency for modeling since you have one created for your dearest sissie." She blabbered.

She talked all the way until we got home. "You know, mom texted me yesterday saying she's coming to visit next month and hoping you're engaged or somethin'. " I stopped in my tracks and faced her.

"She said what?"

"You didn't know?Well she called saying that you should settle down and have a mafia queen so that you could go to that mafia ball their holding in 3 months and you should definitely make allies. I don't care."

Chloé went inside and went to her room to unpack leaving me with my thoughts outside. I hate my life.

Okay, first things first-find the girl. Then kill her. Good thing I'm engaged already to my girlfriend. So I'll just use that. But the thing is I can't make Amelia the Dona because she's incapable of the job and all she does is mess up missions.

My phone rang,"Rodriguez here"

"Boss I found her"

"Send her location to me and leave the rest for me to handle. " I hung up and made my way to my weapon room. Yes of course I have that. I'm a mafia boss. Keep up.

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