"What the devil?!" Alastor shouted furiously at this discovery.

"That should keep him planted here for awhile." Angel whispered to Rosie again. "Now you try to do whatever you can to keep that mechanic from coming, I'm going to find Vaggie and get some answers."

"Okay but answers for what exactly?"

"For what the hell is going on around here and just in case Valentino tries to cast some illusion to keep me from finding her, I brought along Nugsy. A pig's nose can find anything."

"Just be careful, if Valentino catches you, heaven only knows what he'll be able to do to you now that he has that mirror."

With that warning given, Angel picked up Fat Nuggets and quietly slipped underneath the circus tent and crawled under the bleachers. He looked through the cracks to make sure that the cost was clear. He saw Valentino go into his dressing room and Mr. Pentious was distracted keeping an eye on Charlie.

"Alright Nugsy, sniff out Vaggie." Angel whispered to him.

Fat Nuggets nodded and he sniffed the air until he caught hold of Vaggie's scent. He and Angel both followed the trail with perfect stealth, making no sounds and keeping themselves as unseen as possible. They were so quiet that the only thing Angel could hear was the beating of his heart, he couldn't help recalling what had happened the last time he saw Valentino. The torture of having no control over his body, getting twisted up, and almost getting raped without being able to fight back. That was probably the most terrified he had ever been in his whole life. And he worked in the mafia at an early age.

Finally Fat Nuggets led him to the way back of the tent where he saw two cages. One containing a terribly battered Husk and the other held a guilt-ridden Vaggie. Guilt-ridden but not hurt. 

"Vaggie." He called softly while approaching her cage quickly yet quietly.

When she saw him, she was relieved and overjoyed. She had been terrified that Valentino had found some sort of loop hole where he didn't have to keep his word to spare Angel after she brought him the mirror. After all, he was in love with her and that was an obstacle to someone like Valentino. She was almost certain that he had somehow removed him. But he was alright. He was safe. Though, not as long as he stayed here.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She stuck her arm through the bars and they held hands. 

"What happened to you?" He asked her.

"Valentino's punishment for insubordination. From now on, when we're not performing, we'll be kept in cages." She explained it.

"I gotta get you out of here."

"No! You need to leave! Before he finds you here!"

"I'm not leaving you! Not like this!"

"Better do as you says pretty boy." Husk warned. "There's no helping us anymore. Not when Valentino has Rosie's mirror. We're done for."

"I don't believe that. There has to be something that can be done. Vaggie, tell me what you know. What's going on around here? How did Charlie end up as Val's prisoner and why is there some skanky broad out there who can sing just like her?"

"Oh I see, you ran into Portia." Vaggie looked disappointed for a moment. "Did you...Did you sleep with her?"

"What? No! Why would I do that?"

"Because Valnetino gave her Charlie's voice and no man can resist a mermaid's song. Yuo should have wanted her the minute you heard her sing."

"Well I didn't, neither did Alastor."

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