Chapter 41

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When Beth woke up the next morning, she expected to find Alastor wide awake in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee. But he wasn't in the kitchen at all. He wasn't in his bedroom either, his bed hadn't even been slept in, and Charlie wasn't sleeping on the couch in the living room. She searched the entire house but they were nowhere to be found. She looked out the window and saw no trace of Alastor's car. She started to panic.

She grabbed the phone and dialed Rosie's number. It was a few minutes before someone picked up.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end yawned.


"Who is this?"

"It's Beth."

"Beth? Sweetie what are you doing calling me this early?"

"Aren't you normally getting ready for work by now?"

"I have my days off too you know. Anyway, what's going on? Is this important?"

"Yes! Very! Alastor is missing and so is Charlie!"

"What are you talking about?"

"He didn't come home last night and he didn't call to let me know that he wouldn't. That's not like him. We have to call the police!"

"Now darlin, let's not cry murder before we check the body for a pulse." She could hear Rosie sit up in the background. "I think I know where you might be able to find him."

"Really? Where?"

"If I'm right, he's down by the shore."

"What's he doing down there?"

"You'll have to ask him that yourself."

"You think Charlie might be down there with him?"

"Possibly. Look just go look for him on the beach. If he's not there then call the police."

"Okay. Thanks Rosie."

Beth hung up and hurried down to the beach. She can't imagine why he would go down there without her. He hated the beach. And where was Charlie? This was so weird.  It took fifteen minutes but she managed to locate the two of them and when she saw the position they were in, she started to worry.

Alastor was laying on the beach and lying next to him was Charlie. He was on his back, she was on her side but her upper body was resting on his chest and his arm was around her. They were both sound asleep and appeared to be unconsciously content.

"Alastor Jean-Louis Boudreaux!" Beth cried.

Alastor and Charlie instantly sat up though they were still drowsy.

"I'm awake! Where's the coffee?"

"Oh five more minutes, please Helena."

It was a few seconds before they both became more awake and realized where they were. They were outside, on the beach, and in each other's arms. Their faces were almost looked blood shot and they slowly slid away from the other person.

"Well this is awkward." Alastor chuckled shyly.

"Yeah it is." She said in a similar tone.

"What were you two doing down here?" Beth asked.

"We were um..." Charlie wasn't sure how to answer.

"I had come down here to clear my head and Charlie wished to join me." Alastor lied. "I suppose we both became very tired and just drifted off."

Beth looked at her brother skeptically, not sure if he believed him or not. Then she noticed the picture frame and the small box that were at the other side of his body.

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