Chapter 79

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Warning, sexual content in this chapter.

As expected, a dinner cooked by Alastor was delicious. Cooked and seasoned to perfection with an equally perfect taste. Alastor always did like to cook for people and he loved the smiles that would appear on their faces whenever they tasted his food. It was another gift he had inherited from his mother, a lot of his happiest memories took place in the kitchen where he would help his mother cook a meal. She loved to cook so much, probably because it was the only talent she was allowed to still use after she got married again.

Alastor's stepfather never let Daisy sing or dance or write. He called it a waste of time and that a wife she focus more on cooking and cleaning. Not stupid ass dreams of performing and writing. He also told her that she wasn't even good at it such things anyway. But Alastor and his mother knew better. They just pretended to believe him so he wouldn't hurt them.

"My ma never cooked much." Angel had said during the meal. "She had to work a normal job since the old man was into the business of being criminal. So Molly did most of the cooking and the cleaning and basically anything a stay at home mom would do."

"Did she ever get bored with it?" Vaggie asked.

"Bored?" He chuckled. "Babe being a stay at home mom is anything but boring."

"No kidding." Alastor said. "My mother didn't have a career but she never knew a moment's peace. Cooking dinner, doing the dishes, washing the clothes, mopping the floors, paying the bills, sweeping, dusting, vacuum cleaning."

"And don't forget the most difficult part, looking after the kids." Angel added. "Breaking up their arguments, helping them with their homework, keeping them out of trouble, going to meetings with teachers every time they screwed up at school."

"Your sister did that?" Alastor said.

"Yeah, she went down there dressed like Ma."

"She didn't." Beth said.

"Oh yes she did."

"And your teacher actually fell for it?" Alastor asked.

"Oh come on Al, you know Mr. Jindrake was always a dumb-ass. When he first met your mother and stepfather, he asked them if you were adopted."

"Good point." He grinned. "And lordy did he have it out for you. Ever since you wrote 'Mr. Jindrake sucks dick on the chalkboard.' Ha! Ha! I can still remember his reaction to when he first saw it."

"Who wrote this?!" Angel imitated. "Who wrote this lie?! Never in my entire life have I sucked one single dick!"

Everyone burst out laughing, not even Vaggie was immune to the hilarity of it.

"I still can't believe you actually did that." Beth said. "How did you not expelled for that?"

"Well I written it in the first place because he had called a little queer pervert." Angel said. "And if the board of education had found out a teacher and deliberately insulted a student like that, it would be considered misconduct."

"And you were smart enough to figure that out?"

"Beth!" Alastor scolded.

"No it's okay, I don't actually look all that book smart." Angel said. "But one of the perks of having a criminal for a father is that you spend a lot of time listening to lawyers and learning about the legal system."

"So why didn't you ever try to become a lawyer?" Beth asked.

"Oh come on Beth, me in a suit and tie? That's just not right."

It was around nine o'clock at night when Angel and Vaggie said goodbye and headed back to his apartment. They weren't tired yet so they decided to drink a little and talk.

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