Chapter 52

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On the 4th of July, Rosie and Niffty made it their mission to make sure that Charlie and Beth would look their very best for the festival. As a matter of fact, they called Alastor first thing in the morning and insisted that he bring both girls to the cabaret right away. 

"Nothing personal Alastor." Rosie said. "But judging from what Beth has told me you do not know the first thing about making a young lady actually look like a young lady. You just leave everything to us. Niffty you prepare Charlie and I'll see to Beth."

"Yes ma'am."

Niffty led Charlie into the second bedroom upstairs. 

"Now where to start, where to start?" Niffty said looking at Charlie up and down. "A bath, certainly."

"A bath?" Charlie said getting nervous.

"Yes. A nice bubble bath with fragrant salts and oils. Now then, how do you like your bubble bath? What scents do you prefer?"

"I don't know. I've never had a bubble bath."

"Oh you poor thing. Well we better make this bath extra special then."

"Thank you but I don't think a bath is neccessary." 

"I beg to differ. The festival always opens with performances provided by Rosie and I heard that Alastor is hoping to sing with you tonight."

"He is?"

"Yes so you must look your best and you can't look your very best without a bath."

"But I...I don't feel comfortable showing my body."

"You're embarrassed in front of another woman?"

"Yeah. It's silly I know but...I'm just really slef-conscious about my body."

"Very well. I'll just run your bath and leave you to the rest on your own."

Niffty filled the tub with hot water and added oil of Magnolia Blossom and Lily of the Valley. She left behind a towel, a bar of honeysuckle soap, a sponge, a bathrobe, a comb, a hair dryer, and shampoo and conditioner scented to match the soap. Niffty then left the bathroom to get Charlie's dress ready for her. As soon as she was gone, the mermaid sat herself down in the tub and proceeded to relax. Human baths were defintely one of her favorite things about this world. 

True the space was a little cramped but the warm water soothed her aching muscles and the soaps, the oils, the shampoo, and the conditioner all smelled so sweet. No doubt her mother would enjoy this form of bathing very much. Espeically since like Charlie herself, Lilith had extremely long and thick hair that was a struggle to manage. But today Charlie decided what she liked most about these baths were the bubbles. She would pop them one by one, take handfuls of the bubbles and blow them about everywhere, laughed at how silly her reflection looked in them. It was a great delight to her.

After playing with the bubbles, she washed, conditioned, and combed her long hair followed by scrubbing her body with the sponge and soap. The scent of Magnolia, Lily, and Honey Suckle was like Summer itself to her. She felt like she was surrounded by those very flowers and they were giving her a little of their loveliness so she could impress everyone tonight. Most of all Alastor. If he had asked her to sing on stage with him tonight then the answer would be an instant yes and she would not disappoint him.

She rinsed herself off, dried her hair and body, then put on her bathrobe. By the time she had finished her bath completely, Niffty had come back ready to dress her and do her hair. The dress was a rose petal pink with embroidered floral motifs, in soft pastel tones. A beautifully cut skirt featuring soft layers that created an elegant silhouette and it was developed with a vintage-inspired neckline. She was given a cream colored, tulle scarf to wear over her shoulders and a pair of matching strap on pump shoes.

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