Chapter 9

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Alastor pulled out his keys and prepared to get his car started but another vehicle came speeding from around the corner. A cream colored convertible with strawberry pink streaks on the side. Just once glance at the car alone was how Alastor recognized the driver before he even made himself seen and the manner of which the car was being driven confirmed his assumption. When car was finally parked, it came a little too close to the sidewalk and knocked over a cart of fruit. This spurned the car's owner to come out in such a fit.

"Who put this damn fruit here?!" Per usual he would try to blame anyone or anything other than himself when he screwed up. "I'm alright if anyone's concerned!"

He had barely changed in appearance. Same Italian jet black hair bleached white, same tight and revealing clothes to show off his "flawless" body, same touch of feminine fashion to show that he had good taste, and same flamboyant manner whenever he walked. To those who just met him he was a total fruit basket but to Alastor he was literally his only friend. So instead of ignoring him like most people would, Alastor got out of the car to re-introduce himself to him.

"Good afternoon Angel." Alastor greeted with a smile.

The unusual man's rage turned to joy as soon as he saw his old. bespectacled friend.

"Alastor! Al! It's great to see ya!"

He would have hugged Alastor but Angel knew that other people's touch wasn't the man's forte.

"I was sure that the last time I would see you it would be at a trial hearing." Angel said.

"Oh no, don't tell me." Alastor said. "Your father got you in trouble with selling drugs again?"

"No. I moved out after high school. We all did . Arcangelo, Molly, and myself. We finally left the old man and never looked back."

"That's great. Is that when you moved here?"

"No. I moved here a year ago because I had footed involved with this guy named Travis. I wasn't really interested in him but I was lonely after Molly went off to college so I just hooked up with him for fun. But get this, not only was the freak married but when his wife caught us in the act, the son of a bitch told her that I had drugged him. Can you believe that?"

"Well knowing that he was married, yes."

"So next thing I know she's calling the cops and having me arrested for rape."

"How did you get out of that situation?"

"Lucky for me Travis was stupid enough to think that the police wouldn't run a drug test on him. He came up totally clean, charges were dropped, and last I heard he had a one way ticket to divorce court. But my reputation was officially ruined so I had to split town."

"No offense Angel but I don't think the reputation you had before the unknowing adultery, was anything prized by society."

"I know I'm talking about the fact that I slept with a married man. I'm talking about the fact that I slept with Travis in general. The man was no catch. He looked like something that was hit by a truck and then pissed on."

"So why the relationship with him?"

"As I said I was lonely. And sometimes when I get lonely I get desperate. But don't worry I learned my lesson. Never be desperate." He put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it. "But what about you? Have you gotten your lance dirty yet?"

"Angel!" Alastor blushed.

"I knew it. You still have your V card."

"Angel please do not start that again."

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